Duncan: We're gonna bring this party up to a nice respectable level. Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt anyone. We're not even gonna touch 'em. We're just gonna make 'em cry a little, just by lookin' at 'em.
Watts: Don't go mistaking paradise for a pair of long legs.
Watts: Because I'm driving you crazy and you're driving me crazy and I'd rather not see you and have you think good things about me than have you see me and hate me. 'Cause I can't afford to have you hate me, Keith. The only things I care about in this goddamn life are me and my drums and you.
Ray: So you gotta hang around for an hour?
Watts: If I feel like it.
Ray: You know how much damage we could do to each other in an hour?
Watts: It's kind of a revolting thought, actually.
Ray: Really? What's revolting mean?
Watts: Oh, God. Get your hands off me, man.
Ray: Does that mean you wanna come over?
Amanda Jones: - You think I used you?
Keith: - Didn't you?
Amanda Jones: - I don't know... in a way.
Keith: - In a way? Amanda, there's only one you use someone - you either do or you don't.
Amanda Jones: - And you didn't use me? God, you hypocrite! What's hanging in that museum, huh? My soul? No, it's my face. You're using me to pay back every guy with more money and more power than you. Paint it in any colour you want. It's still you using me.
Keith: Well, I like art, I work in a gas station, my best friend is a tomboy. These things don't fly too well in the American high school.
Keith Nelson: You can't tell a book by its cover.
Watts: No, but you can tell how much it's gonna cost you.
Keith Nelson: Wow, I never knew you were so deep.
Watts: You want shallow, call Amanda Jones.
Watts: I think it's hip that you paint. I think it's hip that I drum. And it's perfect that we're friends.
Watts: You break his heart, I break your face.
Duncan: This is what my girlfriend would look like without skin.
Amanda Jones: Look, uh, how this happened is as much of a mystery to me as it is to you. I'm not any more thrilled about it than you are. So, why don't you just stop giving me attitude, please?
Keith: I'm giving you attitude?
Amanda Jones: Yeah. Like on Friday, pulling that He-Man power play, about how I have to ask my friends for permission. I didn't appreciate it. I don't like being treated like that.
Keith: Well, it's true, isn't it?
Amanda Jones: At least I have friends.
Keith: Are you sure?
Watts: Get your skag and let's go.
Carparker: To win big you gotta do what?
Carparkers: Lose.
Carparker: Lose big. What are we doing now?
All: We're losing big.
Watts: You couldn't score her in a million years. A, you're too shy and closed up to even approach her, and B, she'd kill you.
Laura Nelson: Any fool can get into college. Only a select few can say the same about Amanda Jones.
Watts: It's better to swallow pride than blood.