Amy: This party is raging.
Kiki: What a turnout.
Martha Stewart: Hi, would you ladies like a Jell-O shot?
Amy: Is that, is that? Martha Stewart! Martha, Oh, my God.
Kiki: Thank you. Oh, my God.
Martha Stewart: Good, right?
Carla: I'm cumming.
Kiki: Oh, my God. What's in this?
Martha Stewart: Well, it's bespoke lingonberry gelatin... and a shitload of vodka.
Kiki: They're delicious.
Martha Stewart: I start my day with six of these.
Carla: Hey, Jaxon. I made you lunch today. It's some humus wrap with some kale.
Jaxon: Gross.
Carla: Yeah, I know, it sounds totally disgusting, but it's supposed to be good for you, so... And I'm gonna come to your baseball game tomorrow night.
Jaxon: For real?
Carla: I'm gonna stay the whole stupid game. Mmm-hmm. Because... I love you, and stuff. Still cannot believe I pushed that thing outta my chooch.
Carla: My kid still watches Sesame Street and he doesn't get it.
Carla: First of all, you're so not a failure as a mother. In fact, you're the best mother that we've ever seen.
Kiki: True that.
Carla: You give your kids salad. Your remember your kids birthdays! I mean, I've sat here and watched you wait until your kid fell asleep before you got high.
Amy: Most moms do that, Carla.
Jenny Widgeon: I was wondering what the grammatical significance of that sentence is: "Why run from fire ants?"
Guy Trilby: Well, every vowel's in there, starting with the u, going to the a. Right, it's backwards?
Jenny Widgeon: ...Well, I guess it's pretty easy, y'know, for a sentence. Y'know, I wish there was one word that had all the vowels in it in alphabetical order.
Guy Trilby: "Facetious."
Jenny Widgeon: Sonofabitch.
Daughter: Mom, there's something wrong with nana and papa.
Mom: They're just OLD.
Mom: Those aren't your grandparents.
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