Roland T. Flakfizer: Behind every great man there is a woman, and thank heaven I have Lillian Oglethorpe because, quite frankly, I enjoy the shade.
Roland T. Flakfizer: So, do you enjoy being a cab driver?
Rocco Melonchek: Nah. As soon as I get my driver's license, I'm quitting.
Roland T. Flakfizer: And that spells cash with a capital.
Jacques: K.
Roland T. Flakfizer: You should go back to school.
Jacques: I hated teaching.
Roland T. Flakfizer: I didn't know the meaning of the word "no," but he had it down pretty good.
Jacques: Society's to blame.
Roland T. Flakfizer: Too much violence in the movies.
Rocco Melonchek: It's my environment.
Jacques: We were carrying out orders.
Roland T. Flakfizer: It's the Japanese. They're buying up everything.
Rocco Melonchek: Did we leave anything out?
Roland T. Flakfizer: If there's anything I can ever do for you... forget it, because I don't do those kinds of things.
Roland T. Flakfizer: Please, call me what everyone else calls me: "Your Royal Sex Machine."
Roland T. Flakfizer: Dear Lillian, soon I hope to take you on a Carribbean cruise, where we can hold hands on a soft summer's evening and watch that old Jamaican moon. Why that old Jamaican will be mooning us, I have no idea.
Rocco Melonchek: We'll have to perform a full rectum-ology.
Roland T. Flakfizer: Fondue, an epidemic! drop those pants... Not you, the patient.
Doctor: I thought you were cardiologists.
Rocco Melonchek: Uh, well, they're all connected, we enter the rectum and head north.
Roland T. Flakfizer: Why do you think we have such long instruments?
Roland T. Flakfizer: Sorry, two's company, and three's an adult movie.
Tina: Was that the doorbell?
Roland T. Flakfizer: That wasn't you?
Rocco Melonchek: You're lying.
Roland T. Flakfizer: Of course I am, but hear me out.
John Shooter: You strike me as the kind of guy who's on the lookout for a head he can knock off with a shovel.
John Shooter: Thought you didn't smoke.
Mort: I took it up recently, for my health.
Mort: What do you want? You wanna kill me? Why don't you just do it? Just kill me.
John Shooter: No, sir.
Leo: Ever heard of
Simmons: Oh, you must be talking about that site with Game Boy level security.
Simmons: 75 years of alien research which points to one inescapable fact: the Transformers, they've been here a long, long time.
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