Freddy Krueger: Joey... look. All the little piggies come home.
Nancy Thompson: Let him go, Krueger.
Freddy Krueger: Your wish... is my command.
Taryn White: Who is he?
Nancy Thompson: His name is Freddy Krueger. He was a child murderer before he died, and after he died... well, he became something worse.
Thompson: Fred Kreuger is dead. You've always had such a hard time understanding that.
Nancy Thompson: You know what he did. He's doing it again.
Dr. Neil Gordon: She's telling the truth, sir.
Thompson: I don't think we've ever met, friend. This doesn't concern you.
Nancy Thompson: I think we can stop him. Stop him for good this time, but we need to know where his bones were hidden.
Thompson: It was good seeing you again, princess. Next time, don't stay away so long.
Nancy Thompson: I used to live in this house.
Kristen Parker: That's just a house I dream about.
Kristen Parker: Five, six, grab a crucifix. Seven, eight, better stay up late. Nine, ten, never... never.
Nancy Thompson: Never sleep again. Where did you learn that rhyme?
Kristen Parker: Well just go ahead and fight. 'Cause that what he wants.
Will Stanton: Who?
Jennifer Caulfield: Who do you think? What does he want?
Kristen Parker: To turn us against each other other so we'll be be weak. Easy pray.
Roland Kincaid: Horseshit.
Nancy Thompson: No, she's right.
Nancy Thompson: I grab the guy in my dream. You see me struggling so you wake me up. We both come out, you whack the fucker and we got him.
Glen Lantz: Are you crazy? Hit him with what?
Nancy Thompson: You're the jock. You have a baseball bat or something.
Nancy Thompson: Oh, God. I look 20 years old.
Glen Lantz: We have reason to believe there may be something very strange going on.
Lt. Thompson: You got that right.
Nancy Thompson: What are you doing here?
Lt. Thompson: There's an unsolved murder and I hate unsolved murders, especially ones that my daughter is mixed up in. What are you doing here?
Nancy Thompson: Look, I just gotta see that he's okay.
Sgt. Garcia: I just checked on him ten minutes ago, he's sleeping like a baby. He's not going anywhere.
Nancy Thompson: It's only a dream.
Fred Krueger: Come to Freddy.
Nancy Thompson: Goddamn you.
Nancy Thompson: Come on, Freddy. Can't you catch me?
Fred Krueger: I'm going to split you in two.
Nancy Thompson: I'm into survival.
Hall Guard: Where's your pass?
Nancy Thompson: Screw your pass.
Marge Thompson: You want to know who Fred Krueger was? He was a filthy child murderer who killed at least twenty kids in the neighborhood. Kids we all knew. It drove us crazy when we didn't know who it was, but it was even worse after they caught him.
Nancy Thompson: Didn't they put him away?
Marge Thompson: The lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but somebody forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place. Krueger was free just like that!
Nancy Thompson: What did you do, Mother?
Marge Thompson: A bunch of us parents tracked him down after they let him out. We found him in an old abandoned boiler room where he used to take his kids.
Nancy Thompson: Go on.
Marge Thompson: We took gasoline, poured it all around the place, made a trail of it out the door, then lit the whole thing up and watched it burn. He can't get you now. He's dead honey, because Mommy killed him. I even took his knives. So it's OK now. You can sleep.
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