Tony: Can you put a price on your dreams?
Tony: Don't shoot the messenger!
Sonny Grotowski: You hate me. You hate me, don't you? Answer me! You hate me don't you.
Hank Grotowski: Yes, I hate you. Always have.
Sonny Grotowski: Well I've always loved you.
Julia Cook: Don't make me grieve for you.
Ned Kelly: I ain't dead yet.
Ned Kelly: They said I'd lost what it meant to be human, maybe never had it in the first place, but wasn't this about protecting the ones I loved? The ones who gave me food, and shelter, even the clothes on me back? And therefore wasn't it now a war?
Ned Kelly: I've watched gravel fade. Dust settle into crust. I've seen drips of water turn to stone that defied gravity. I've turned blood red with cave mud. I've been a bloody rock.
New York Detective: Is says here she tried to kill you at an - exercise class?
Alex Bernier: She tried to kill me at an exorCISM.
Alex Bernier: And now it is I. I have been blessed and cursed... for now I possess the keys to the kingdom of heaven. I will forgive those who deserve freedom. I will damn those who have damned themselves. I will learn to live after love has died. I am the sin eater.
New York Detective: Is says here she tried to kill you at an - exercise class?
Alex Bernier: She tried to kill me at an exorCISM.
Alex Bernier: Your services don't come cheap.
Will: No, they don't.
Alex Bernier: What did Dominic give you? I mean he... he had nothing.
Will: That's not true. He gave me friendship once, and I returned it.
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