Julia Cook: Don't make me grieve for you.
Ned Kelly: I ain't dead yet.
Joe Byrne: I'm sure there's no harm in being friendly.
Ned Kelly: They said I'd lost what it meant to be human, maybe never had it in the first place, but wasn't this about protecting the ones I loved? The ones who gave me food, and shelter, even the clothes on me back? And therefore wasn't it now a war?
Ned Kelly: I've watched gravel fade. Dust settle into crust. I've seen drips of water turn to stone that defied gravity. I've turned blood red with cave mud. I've been a bloody rock.
Julia Cook: I've been riding him pretty hard the last two days.
Joe Byrne: He said what a lucky fellow I am to be with such a beauty as you.
Aaron Sherritt: Too lucky, if you ask me.