Quotes from Charles Martin Smith movies and TV shows

D.J.: Why do keep calling this car Ocho? Ocho means eight. Can't you read the numbers?
Paco: Sure I can read the numbers. Five and three are eight. Anyone knows that.

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Rosie: We're all of us prospectors up here, eh, Tyler? Scratchin' for that... that one crack in the ground. Never have to scratch again. I'll let you in on a little secret, Tyler: the gold's not in the ground. The gold's not anywhere up here. The real gold is south of 60 - sittin' in livin' rooms, stuck facin' the boob tube, bored to death. Bored to death, Tyler.

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George Fox: Good. I'm glad you're here.
Mark Shermin: What the hell is this about?
George Fox: You're a man of some scientific attainment. You mean to tell me you don't recogonize an emergency autopsy room when you see one?
Mark Shermin: With leather tie straps?
George Fox: You behave yourself, Mark.

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