Quotes from Cary Grant movies and TV shows - page 5 of 6

C. K. Dexter Haven: Sometimes, for your own sake, Red, I think you should've stuck to me longer.
Tracy Lord: I thought it was for life, but the nice judge gave me a full pardon.
C. K. Dexter Haven: Aaah, that's the old redhead. No bitterness, no recrimination, just a good swift left to the jaw.

Tracy Lord: Only for the moment, I'm not interested in myself.
C. K. Dexter Haven: Not interested in yourself, Red, you're fascinated. You're far and away your favorite person in the world.

More The Philadelphia Story quotes

Johnnie Aysgarth: Your hair's all wrong. It has such wonderful possibilities that I, well, I got excited. For the moment I became a, a passionate hairdresser.

Johnnie Aysgarth: Well, well. You're the first woman I've ever met who said yes when she meant yes.

More Suspicion quotes

Jessie Stevens: Why do you think we moved so often? Your father was a swindler, dear, but a lovable one. If you ask me, this one's a bigger operator on every level.
John Robie: Thank you, madam.

Frances Stevens: I called the police from your room and told them who you are and everything you've been doing tonight.
John Robie: Everything? The boys must have really enjoyed that at headquarters.

John Robie: You don't have to spend every day of your life proving your honesty, but I do.

John Robie: Well, we only met a couple of minutes ago.
Danielle Foussard: That's right, only a few minutes ago.
Frances Stevens: Only a few minutes ago? And you talk like old friends.
Frances Stevens: Ah, well, that's warm, friendly France for you.

More To Catch a Thief quotes

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