Empress Elizabeth: Do you know what he said to me the day he was married?"Mother, say a prayer for me." And I said "what prayer shall I make for you?" And he said "Pray to God that I should never fall in love."
Empress Elizabeth: And my granddaughter? I hate that word too.
Archduke Rudolf: Oh! She's enchanting. Luckily she takes after neither of her parents.
Empress Elizabeth: Perhaps, a melancholy temperament can skip a generation. Like insanity.
Archduke Rudolf: In this family that could not have been meant as a joke. Not in this family. Never.
Maxine Faulk: So you appropriated the young chick and the old hens are squawking, huh?
T. Lawrence Shannon: It's very serious. The child is emotionally precocious.
Maxine Faulk: Bully for her.
T. Lawrence Shannon: Also, she is traveling under the wing of a military escort of a butch vocal teacher.
Maxine Faulk: What the hell are you doing, Shannon?
T. Lawrence Shannon: I just cut loose one of God's creatures at the end of his rope.
Maxine Faulk: What for?
T. Lawrence Shannon: So that one of God's creatures could be free from panic, and scamper home safe and free. A little act of grace, Maxine.
Maxine Faulk: Even I know the difference between lovin' somebody, and just goin' to bed with them. Even I know that.
Maxine Faulk: All right, honey, calm down.
Hannah Jelkes: I am perfectly calm, Mrs. Faulk.
Maxine Faulk: Well, I'm not! That's the trouble. The trouble is Shannon. I caught the vibrations between you two.
Hannah Jelkes: Mrs. Faulk, I'm a New England spinster who is pushing 40.
Maxine Faulk: Well, who the hell isn't!
Maxine Faulk: I know what you're up to, honey. You want to make yourself useful so I'll let you and old Gramps stay on here free.
Hannah Jelkes: Oh, I wouldn't do anything so obvious - not with a woman of your practicality.
Maxine Faulk: When I hired them beach boys, did Fred care? Did he raise hell when I started going night swimming with them? Hell no. He just went night fishing all night long.
Moira Davidson: All I want to know is: if everybody was so smart, why didn't they know what would happen?
Dwight Towers: They did.
Moira Davidson: Well, I - I can't take it. I - oh, yes, I can take it! But, it's unfair. It's unfair because I didn't do anything. And nobody I know did anything.
Moira Davidson: You're looking for me.
Moira Davidson: Am I?
Dwight Towers: I'm Moira Davidson. M-O-I-R-A. It was a very fashionable name when... my mother was young and impressionable. I'm a throwback.
Moira Davidson: There isn't time. No time to love... nothing to remember... nothing worth remembering.
Moira Davidson: I wouldn't really mind... if you could forget entirely who I am... I don't like myself very much anyway.
Moira Davidson: Dwight... even if you don't like me, would you please hold on to me just for a moment longer?
Eleanor Holbrook: I'll make you two promises: a very good steak, medium rare, and the truth, which is very rare.
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