Continuity mistake: During the showdown's sword fight between Lansing and Faisal in the palace hall, there is a far-off shot in which the blade of Lansing's sword can just barely be seen bending off at an unnatural angle, revealing it as a prop. For the rest of the duel, the sword is shown intact. (01:16:44)
28th Jan 2021
Out of Reach (2004)
27th Sep 2019
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Continuity mistake: When Indiana is confronted by the Cairo swordsman, he already has his left shoulder pointing towards his opponent in the shot where the crowd scatters. But in the following shot, where the swordsman is first seen, Indiana has his right shoulder pointing forward and is just turning around to his left side. (00:40:14)
21st Apr 2014
Where Eagles Dare (1968)
Continuity mistake: When Smith fires at the last German Kübelwagen chasing his team on the Oberhausen airfield runway, the scene alternates between two perspectives of Smith firing from the bus's engine cover: One from the front, the other from his backside. In each of these alternating shots, Smith holds the front part of his MP40 in a different grip. (02:20:55)
7th Feb 2014
The Living Daylights (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Bond has his final confrontation with Whitaker, he empties his PPK at him in an attempt to take him down. In the process, he hits the gunshield on Whitaker's weapon five times and it remains clean. But when Whitaker rounds the corner a few seconds later, the impacts from the PPK bullets are suddenly visible on the shield's surface.
11th Mar 2013
El Dorado (1966)
Continuity mistake: During the final showdown, when Jim Purvis is shot, he slumps onto the saloon porch face-up, with his left hand on his chest. But when Bart Jason is shot and falls right afterwards, Purvis is suddenly lying face-down on the porch.
11th Mar 2013
El Dorado (1966)
Continuity mistake: When Mississippi and Maudie return to the jail to deliver the news of Thornton's capture, and when Maudie begins to tell her part of the story, part of the veil she is wearing slides off her left shoulder. In the close-ups on the actress, the veil stays down, but in the far-off shots the veil is again draped over her shoulder.
19th Feb 2013
Ultimate Spider-Man (2012)
Continuity mistake: Before and after the Beetle's battle armor is fried by May Parker activating the jet engine, the appearance and arrangement of the building in the background changes between shots.
4th Sep 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Continuity mistake: When they first enter the Y'Lyntian city and are attacked by the Lava Wraiths, Raphael gets his sai melted by them. But after taking their goodbyes from Versallia, Raphael has his sai stuck back in his belt.
25th May 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Turtles in Space (4): The Arena - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: Before the Turtles were carted off to the arena in the previous episode, they were disarmed. But once they have been confined to the gladiators' quarters, when Ralph asks about Traximus ("Who's Mister Sunshine?"), at that very moment he has his sai back in his belt.
24th Apr 2011
Superman: The Animated Series (1996)
Continuity mistake: When Lois recovers in her apartment from the knock-out gas and starts swinging, Batman pushes her against her nightstand. But once she calms down and the camera makes a wide shot from the ceiling of the room, Lois and Batman suddenly crouch quite a distance away from the nightstand.
24th Jan 2011
Justice League (2001)
Continuity mistake: When Flash plays tag with Faust ("Now you see me, now you don't"), there is a brief shot in which he rushes at Faust - but not inside Hyppolita's palace, but in some high-tech laboratory. Obviously a shot from some earlier series, since the coloring and style are different from the Justice League's.
2nd Jan 2011
Superman: The Animated Series (1996)
Heavy Metal - S2-E23
Continuity mistake: Season 2 episode 23 "Heavy Metal": In the beginning, when Metallo and the Intergang goons raid the bank, the goons use conventional sub machine guns. But when they start tearing through Irons' neighborhood looking for Superman, the goons use the same guns, which have, however, suddenly become laser blasters.
2nd Jan 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Continuity mistake: Nano fells the statue of Zippy Lad during his fight with the Justice Force. When the statue topples, the area before it is empty until it shatters. But in the next cut, we see Zippy Lad sitting in his wheelchair right before his own statue, with no debris lying around. It's simply the re-insertion of a previous cut, when Zippy Lad is criticizing the three failed applicants.
19th Nov 2010
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Turtles in Space (4): The Arena - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: When the Turtles and the rest of the gladiators are to be ferried up to the arena, Gruel the overseer refuses to give back the Turtles' weapons. But once the Turtles are on the elevator platform, Raphael and Donatello have their weapons stuck in their belts; then the scene switches, and the weapons are gone again just before Traximus unpacks them for the Turtles to take.
24th Mar 2010
Justice League (2001)
Injustice For All (2) - S1-E19
Continuity mistake: When Joker comes down to the basement to kill Batman, he finds the empty titanium restraints still fixed on the post. But when Batman gives him the knock-out punch, the restraints have suddenly disappeared.
22nd Feb 2010
Teen Titans (2003)
Lightspeed - S5-E8
Continuity mistake: When Kid Flash intercepts Gizmo's shop-lifting, Gizmo was walking towards the exit with his shopping cart. But after Kid Flash has deposited Gizmo in the cart, he pushes it on towards what would be the back of the shop, away from the entrance. But then Gizmo bursts out of the entrance into the parking lot beyond.
18th Feb 2010
Ben 10 (2005)
Continuity mistake: Season 4, episode 9 "Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10, Part 1": When Charmcaster taunts Gwen about not having "taken off the training wheels", she moves her head upward. Note that the lower part of her ponytail falling over her backside does not move as the upper part does, but remains fixed in place.
13th Jul 2009
Ben 10 (2005)
Continuity mistake: Season 4, episode 10 "Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10, Part 2": When the Forever King makes his announcement "Nothing will stop this little home-coming", he stands outside the Mount Rushmore base on bare soil. But in the scene where Max reviews the recording of this speech, all of a sudden we find the Forever King standing on a neatly tiled floor.
5th Jul 2009
Jackie Chan Adventures (2000)
Tale of the Demon Tail - S2-E19
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jackie fights Shendu/Valmont and Ratso (just before Ratso lands in the cookie factory), the spellbook collection the villains have brought up to the tank's top earlier on is nowhere in sight now.
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