
6th May 2020

I Am Legend (2007)

Question: When Robert Neville's family is being airlifted at night, the darkseekers are awake and emerge from their hiding spots. If UV light has been known to kill them, why wasn't his family airlifted during the day?

Answer: This was still very early in the spread and outbreak of this virus. They didn't fully understand what they were dealing with yet, or would have figured out that UV had any effect like that. Also the darkseekers weren't fully out yet, as we see the people infected are still mostly human with just early symptoms. They didn't know what they would create or even knew what it was capable of yet. What you saw were panicked people acting stupid in fear trying to board the chopper.

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Answer: They didn't have the time. They were trying to contain the spread but failed and the evacuation had to take place at that time or there was no evacuation at all.


21st Mar 2020

I Am Legend (2007)

Question: If the monsters are smart enough to move "Fred" from the store and set up a trap, then how have they been unable to find Neville's SUV which is parked outside his house? They saw that SUV when he first captured a monster and also he got in it after escaping the trap. They can communicate to one another and in their numbers it wouldn't have taken long for them to find the SUV and thus where he lives. Plus, it seems to be the only vehicle (short of the Mustang which we never see again) that has clean windows and no plants growing around it, it should stick out like a sore thumb.

Answer: It's possible only 1 of them was able to set up the trap, doing this after its mate was taken by Neville. Before that they weren't tracking him in the shadows during the day. It became very personal for that one and thus was focused on getting revenge. This focus gave it back some of its intelligence so it followed him in the shadows during the day and discover ways to lay a trap. He also appears to be some kind of leader figure.


25th Nov 2019

I Am Legend (2007)

Question: When Robert was talking to Anna and he got angry and smashed the plate, was it because he really was saving the bacon (which is what he told Anna) or I think it was because he had been broadcasting for survivors for YEARS and had come to believe he was the last being on earth and he had just killed his only companion, then this woman just shows up and is talking about an entire community of survivors. What is the reason for his anger?

Answer: He was angry because he kept feeding Sam vegetables not the bacon. Now some stranger cooked the bacon after Sam's death.

Answer: It's all of those things basically, but mostly the loss of Sam. He has been alone for very long and couldn't handle the sudden changes, all of them, the biggest one losing his companion.


12th Sep 2019

I Am Legend (2007)

Question: While Will Smith was burying his deceased dog, I remember him taking some pills. Were the pills intended to decrease his sadness for his loss/keep him from going insane of him now being totally alone?


Answer: I think it was opiate pain pills. I'd imagine he would stock up on them. And hurt his leg. He chewed them up like they were that for sure.

Answer: I'd say they are just painkillers, seeing how he just casually chucks a whole bunch down like skittles. If you do that with antidepressant or something like Ritalin (to keep you awake) your heart will stop. He probably has a headache.


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