
6th May 2020

Jumanji (1995)

Question: What were the papers the gun salesman told Van Pelt he would have to fill out?

Answer: It's Form 4473, the federal form that is sent to the ATF for an NICS background check.


I get it. The form is used to make sure you have no criminal history.

Form 4473 is used to determine if one is eligible to purchase a firearm. Speaking of which, would Van Pelt be eligible to purchase a firearm?

No, since he is probably not even a US citizen. And if he is, not from that century.


If you don't fill out the form the you can't buy a gun.

7th May 2020

Jumanji (1995)

Question: How come every shopper at Sir Sav a Lot didn't evacuate when Van Pelt had a gun and was shooting up the place while going after Judy, Peter and Sarah?


Answer: They are probably too invested with their own looting to worry about someone else committing a crime.


I especially like that one woman that is hesitating to take the box or not as everyone is running away when he shoots into the ceiling.


19th Jan 2014

Jumanji (1995)

Question: At the end, how is it that Alan and Sarah remember Judy and Peter, if they grew up as if nothing had happened?

Melanie Elsworthy

Chosen answer: Alan and Sarah remember everything that had happened during the course of the game's length, as would Judy and Peter if they'd been alive yet when the game started. All players retain their memory of the game after it ends, except in this sort of unusual circumstance where two of them didn't exist at the time the game began.


With the logic of Jumanji 2, Judy and Peter will also remember Jumanji in 1995. They still do not remember it because the final scene of the first film is at Christmas 1994.

Too bad Jumanji 2 has no logic and has nothing to do with this one except the name.


The logic of Jumanji 2 (which this is) doesn't apply because the idea is in the original Jumanji film, Alan and Sarah changed Judy and Peter's history and they ended up never playing the game. In Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Alex does nothing to change the history of the 4 main characters, therefore, they go on to play the game after Alex returns to his own time.


Answer: Actually I believe the kids did remember there was a silent look shared between all them at the end when they meet up that many people say is confusion but I think its more along the lines of "hey don't blow this shared secret none of us can explain"

Nah there is no indication that Peter an Judy remembered as well. Think about it, they would have remembers from since they were born. Also, they would then also know their parents will die in an accident. Thats crazy. They had that look because Alan and Sarah reacted that way and were wondering why they did that. They didn't say anything and even wondered why Alan and Sarah so emphatically said "no" to their parents going skiing (where they would have their accident).


I feel Judy and Peter remember Alan and Sarah because when Alan and Sarah shouted that Judy and Peters parents cannot go for the skiing vacation Judy and Peter did not have a shocked look on their face instead they had a smile on their face.

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