
26th Nov 2002

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Corrected entry: The legend is that the Sandersen sisters will be brought back from the grave if a virgin lights the black flamed candle. In fact, that's what happens 300 years after they are burned at Salem. If the citizens of Salem believed in the witches' curse, then why did they leave the candle intact? Why didn't they have a non-virgin destroy it immediately?

Correction: The witches are magic. They probably made it so only a virgin could light or touch the candle.

But the candle and wick already seemed to be previously lit.

Even if it has been previously lit; it's a pretty moot point unless we know it was another virgin on Halloween night who lit it as this was a very specific thing that had to happen for them to come back from the grave. So if it was somebody who tried lighting it on Christmas, wouldn't have worked for the prophecy. As to why no-one tried to destroy it; I'm sure they did but as we can see from the book the witches know magical protections spells so it's a safe bet there's one on the candle too where the flame might simply go out if someone not prophesied to light it try.

It was probably lit before the witches were burned.


12th Oct 2003

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the movie after Binx was transformed into the cat, he tries to get his father's attention and, toward the middle of the movie when the kids show up at the party at Town Hall, Dani tries to prove that the witches are back by telling her mom that the cat can talk. If throughout the entire movie Binx is talking then why didn't he say something to his father or Dani's mother to prove to them who he was?

Correction: Only the witches (since they put the spell on him) and Max, Dani, and Allison, (since Max lit the candle and they're his buddies) can hear Binx. When he goes to his father you only hear a meow - he was trying to talk.

I think this might be more related to them being kids. I think the whole premise of the film is wrapped around the idea of kids being the catalyst to their magic.

I've corrected this before and I said its because the witches returned that he was able to speak again.


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