
Corrected entry: In the Ministry of Magic near the end, Neville tells Harry that he couldn't pick up the prophecy ball because it had Harry's name on it and only the person whose name is on a prophecy may remove it. But a few moments later Hermione is able to use her wand to make numerous prophecy balls fly off the shelves in order to escape the Death Eaters.

Correction: Neville never says that. He calls to Harry and says "It's got your name on it". Later, Lucius Malfoy tells Harry that only the person whom the prophecy is about can retrieve it, meaning retrieve the prophecy from the ball. Anyone can touch the ball. You'll notice the prophecy isn't spoken from the ball until Harry holds it.

But why does Lucius Malfoy want it if he can't listen to it?

Lucius was ordered by Voldemort to bring it to him. Voldemort can listen to it just like Harry can. It involves both of them.


Question: Why did Harry and Ron get into so much trouble for using the flying car in "Chamber of Secrets", but in this movie/book, the Order of the Phoenix members openly fly on broomsticks?

Answer: Ron and Harry, who were under-aged, took the car without permission, flew it haphazardly, nearly got Harry killed, were seen by Muggles and it was reported in the Muggle news. They also crashed the car into the Whomping Willow, causing much damage and could have injured others at Hogwarts. Their actions also got Mr. Weasley into trouble with the Ministry of Magic, because Mr. Weasley bewitched a muggle object which is illegal by wizards' law. When the Order of the Phoenix is moving Harry to a safe house, it was carefully planned and precautions were taken to avoid being seen, much like how the Knight Bus is always undetectable to Muggles.


They flew next to a ferry which would also be a bad idea.

Even though it's illegal to bewitch a muggle object, several wizards have enchanted cars. The ministry of magic owns several enchanted cars. Think about the Knight bus, not illegal. So Mr. Weasley was not in trouble for that.


Corrected entry: In one scene in the common room the song 'Boys Will Be Boys' by 'The Ordinary Boys' is playing, released in 2006, but this film is set in the 1990s, before the song was released.

Correction: The films are separate from the books - the films have never stated what year they're set.

As far as I know, the movies don't explicitly state their years, but the years can be inferred but are a mess. For example, the graves for the Potters say they died in 1981, so if Harry was one year old when they died, it was about 1991 when the first movie starts. This date match the book's dates. It does raise a problem with the 7th movie though, since we see the Millennium Bridge collapse, which wasn't opened until 2000, and the Dursleys driving a 2008 model car. I think the producers didn't say a date so didn't worry much about consistency.


Movies are separate from the books but they are set in the same time as them.

Nope. For a start we see the Millennium Bridge in the movies, which wasn't opened until 2000.

The millennium bridge being in the movie is actually a mistake, as its supposed to be 1996. I think its listed.


No they're not. There are loads of references to the films taking place in the current time period as opposed to 1996.


Question: Why would Harry say Voldemort killed Cedric? Obviously it was Wormtail.


Answer: Wormtail was acting on Voldemort's order. Voldemort ordered Pettrigrew (Wormtail) to, "kill the spare," meaning Cedric.


With Voldemort's wand even.


Answer: Peter Pettigrew was believed to be dead by the entire wizarding world. The only witnesses are Lupin (a werewolf), Sirius, who is still on the run, Harry, Ron and Hermione. No one believed him about Voldemort returning, as they thought he was only seeking attention. Its safe to assume everyone would also think the same about Pettigrew being alive.

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