
2nd Sep 2022

Passengers (2016)

Question: Laurence Fishburne is obviously a person who would be familiar with the workings of the entire spacecraft. Wouldn't he have known that the Autodoc had the capability of putting a person back into hibernation? Why wouldn't he have informed Aurora of this after being told that she was purposely awakened?

Answer: I suspect he was too busy with fixing the ship and his own health.


He's a technician, not a medical person, and likely had no idea if the autodoc could safely keep someone in suspended animation for long periods. It is also possible he may not have known it even had this particular function.


You can't call a service rep if equipment on a spacecraft, billions of miles from Earth, has a problem. An onboard technician would have to be highly trained on every system on the ship. He wouldn't necessarily have medical training, but would have to have been trained on all the systems on something as important as the Autodoc. It was the only one on board.

It may be the only Autodoc, but there would be many highly-trained technicians on board to tend to the ship, each specialized to work in particular areas on certain types of equipment.


1st Sep 2020

Passengers (2016)

Question: How did Aurora drown, then magically 'undrown' while being submerged?

Answer: The shock of the gravity returning and crashing her back down into the pool probably woke her up before she was unconscious too long.


Yes, and it should be noted that drowning is a lengthy process. Much longer than it's shown in movies. After a person falls unconscious, it still usually takes a good five minutes at least for the brain to go into failure and for death by drowning to occur. It's safe to conclude Aurora wasn't without air for long enough for the brain to go into death.

1st Sep 2020

Passengers (2016)

Question: Why announce to the passengers you're passing a star for viewing when everyone is supposed to be asleep? Can't imagine you would waste time programming that?

Answer: The computer detects there are people awake so it gives this kind of information. It's not clever enough to understand that's not supposed to be the case, but since pods shouldn't malfunction they never put that kind of programming into the computer.


1st Jan 2018

Passengers (2016)

Question: If he can't afford more than crappy coffee and oatmeal, then how does he afford all the alcohol and fancy restaurants he goes to?

Answer: I think the breakfast is free, however the lower class doesn't get a fancy meal for free but a more basic type. The restaurants and bar on the other hand cost money.


Answer: Perhaps customers at the bar and restaurant are allowed to run a tab that doesn't have to be settled until they are leaving the Starship Avalon and about to go to Homestead II. (This could be risky given the different resources of the passengers.) Or maybe the bar and restaurant are included in the fee for some passengers and staff would typically be at the door to allow admission to these passengers; Jim - awake and roaming - may be assumed to be eligible to use the bar/restaurant when, under normal circumstances, he would not be permitted to enter.


Answer: I wondered about this, too. His lower-class passage limits his breakfast choice. However, it seems that any passenger should be able to upgrade their individual meals at anytime and order what they want, as he does in the multiple on-board restaurants. It may be that breakfast, for whatever reason, is exempt from that option.


Yeah but they simply push a button for the breakfast and actually order food from the restaurants. You might think he would just go ahead and go to one of the restaurants to get his breakfast, but maybe they aren't open yet at that time. The ship seems to be more of a cross between a luxurious cruise and boot-camp. The breakfast is perhaps standard ship protocol.


I agree the paid for bar and restaurant don't probably open until 'Evening time' on the ship (You don't want your workers getting drunk all day, Jim is work group). The ship has a day and night clock system as heard by the announcer. I suppose Jim could change his wake up and sleep time to get a decent breakfast in the Chinese, but then his dinner would be basic and he wouldn't be able to have a drink before bed. What would you choose? Basic breakfast, good evening meal with drinks or good breakfast, basic evening meal and no drinks.

4th Apr 2017

Passengers (2016)

Question: Wouldn't Aurora and Jim eat up all the food before the spaceship got to its destination? It's 2 people and 90 years, that's a lot of food and liquids.

Mark Elrod

Answer: The ship is equipped to feed five thousand people for three months. That's 450,000 days' worth of food, which would last 2 people over 600 years. So they have plenty but even if you consider the idea that they lost a lot of food because the ship malfunctioned it's quite possible more food is stored than originally needed, they grow their own food or have found others ways to synthesize food with the future technology they have available.


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