Jacob La Cour

27th Jan 2007

Misery (1990)

Corrected entry: A shotgun does not tear a large hole right through the body of a man - like when Annies shoots the sheriff. Not even at close range.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The wound doesn't go through his whole body; they only show the wound when he falls foward and when they do show it, it's on his back.

It does go through, blows a hole out of the front of his leather coat, then he falls forward, showing the entry wound on his back.

29th Jan 2007

Misery (1990)

Corrected entry: Annie's hearing must be extremely good and she must be extremely fast so that she can hear the sheriff's car so far away, grab the syringe and run to Sheldon's room before the car has reached the house.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Well, she lives out in the middle of nowhere. Cars don't come by all that often, I'm sure. You tend to notice things like that when they rarely happen. Having lived in the country, I know this for a fact.


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