Jacob La Cour

17th Jun 2007

Grindhouse (2007)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of Death Proof when the three girls are driving in the car and talking, when cutting from one angle to another the background changes so much that it is obvious the car is not on the same stretch of road. At one time the view from one side of the car shows that the car is on a bridge, while on the other sides there are parked cars in drive ways.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: This was done intentionally as an homage to the drive in movies of the 70's, which were often very low budget, and had things like this happening all the time. As you said, it is so obvious it is not the same stretch of road, not only does the bridge come and go, but the buildings go from urban, to suburban, residential to commercial districts repeatedly. Since it was done intentionally, it can't be considered a mistake. The grainy film, jumps and skips during dialogue, and a whole scene cut out was also done intentionally for the same reason.

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