Audio problem: When the Sumo wrestler gives Bond his ticket he says, 'This is your ticket', but his lips don't move.
Jacob La Cour
25th Nov 2006
You Only Live Twice (1967)
5th Nov 2006
Scream 2 (1997)
Audio problem: When Gail and Dewy are watching the tape of their conversation in the park, the sound of their conversation is way too clear taking into account their distance from the camera and the microphone, and there is no ambient noise at all. (01:14:15)
8th Oct 2006
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
Audio problem: When Luther walks from the helicopter he steps in some sheep droppings. His last step (but not the second to last.) makes a slushy sound. But sheep droppings are too dry to make such a sound.
8th Sep 2006
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Audio problem: When Bond knocks the gun out of Shandor's hand during the fight on the roof, the sound is definitely not a gun on a stone floor - and it comes too soon after the gun leaves his hand. It would not have reached the floor yet.
3rd Sep 2006
True Lies (1994)
Audio problem: When the motorbike drives through the Marriot - on carpet - its tires makes sounds as if on concrete. (00:35:50)
9th Jul 2006
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Audio problem: The pitch of an airliner's engine doesn't change dramatically when going through rough turbulence. In the scene with the turbulence - after all is quiet, it almost sounds as if the engines are shut down. And it happens way to fast for it to be the pilots doing it. And why would the pilots speed up when entering turbulence?
17th Sep 2005
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Audio problem: When Bond shoots Fatima with the pen, first the is a small puff-sound, and then a larger boom-sound after the projectile hits her, but before it explodes. What makes the second sound? (01:28:35)
Suggested correction: The pen rocket didn't use an impact detonator, so the miniature rocket had to expend all its fuel before its explosive payload detonated. That was the weapon's malfunction when Bond tried to use it on Fatima Blush: the rocket did not expend all its fuel and simply lodged in her clothing. Then the rocket fuel reignited, producing a sputtering hiss for a moment before the powerful explosives actually detonated, blasting Fatima into confetti.
It's also a three-stage blast. The first bang is Fatima's torso detonating (which is actually not that large an explosion), followed by another blast that disperses fuel for the third blast, which was pretty powerful for an indoor explosion.
11th Jul 2005
Die Another Day (2002)
Audio problem: During the sword fight when the saber hits the floor it makes a metal-to-stone sound. However the floor is carpeted.
11th Jul 2005
Die Another Day (2002)
Audio problem: When - during the sword fight - the sabre is thrown to the wall, it makes a high frequency sound - like a knife or an arrow. The sound of a sabre would be much lower frequency.
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