rabid anarchist

A.I. Artificial Intelligence mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we see the chef mecha in the cage, he has a hat on, and it is a permanent part of his head. But earlier when he was searching for an eye in the pile of stuff, he doesn't even have it on. (00:58:00 - 01:27:20)

rabid anarchist

Trivia: The list of words that Monica Swifton says to David to make him capable of love was the original list, written by Stanley Kubrick.

rabid anarchist

Trivia: Haley Joel Osment suggested to Steven Spielberg that his character (David) should not blink. Spielberg agreed and went further to suggest that none of the androids should blink.

rabid anarchist

Audio problem: When Henry asks David why he was going to cut Monica's hair, the sound is out of sync with his mouth. (00:39:30)

rabid anarchist

Trivia: Although Jack Angel recorded all of his voice work for Teddy while separate from the rest of the production, he was allowed on the set every day so that if any other characters' lines were changed during production, he could re-record Teddy's corresponding lines immediately.

rabid anarchist

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