rabid anarchist

Corrected entry: When Woodstock says he is sending new coordinates to the Norwegian whaling fleet, the blips on the radar screen move even when the beam is not sweeping over them. The screen also makes it look as though Woodstock's radar (and the whole nightclub?) is smack in the middle of the fleet.

rabid anarchist

Correction: Not necessarily, it means that the radar unit is in the middle of the fleet. It wouldn't make sense for him to have his radar at the nightclub.

Corrected entry: Film footage of the "Ray Finkle" missed field goal in the movie was authentic. It was actually a blocked field goal from Superbowl VII that was attempted by Dolphins kicker Garo Yepremian.

rabid anarchist

Correction: The footage may have had some bits from Superbowl VII (7) but is more likely from Superbowl XIX (19). This was the Superbowl discussed in the film between the Dolphins and the San Francisco 49ers. You can even see in the shot of the replays of the kicking that the opposition team is the 49ers (it's on the helmet). The kick that Garo Yepremian missed for the Dolphins was against the Washington Redskins which was in Superbowl VII.


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