rabid anarchist

6th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

Correction: Fry is an idiot. Maybe he was watching TV all day on the previous two Freedom Days, or is just dumb enough to have forgotten.

4th Sep 2003

The Truman Show (1998)

Corrected entry: When Christof touches the huge screen with the image of Truman sleeping, his hand casts a shadow. However, the only light source in the control room is the screen itself. This reveals that the scene was composited using a blue screen.

rabid anarchist

Correction: The screen is not the only light source in the room. There is actually plenty of light in the room. You can even see a bit of light reflecting off Christof's head. In the wide shot of the control room you can see the light for the musician and light illuminating the walls.


5th Jan 2004

Aladdin (1992)

Correction: I checked this whole scene a couple of times, and I never saw this. If it REALLY does happen, be more specific, ie. the certain shot with dialouge to match.


Corrected entry: Film footage of the "Ray Finkle" missed field goal in the movie was authentic. It was actually a blocked field goal from Superbowl VII that was attempted by Dolphins kicker Garo Yepremian.

rabid anarchist

Correction: The footage may have had some bits from Superbowl VII (7) but is more likely from Superbowl XIX (19). This was the Superbowl discussed in the film between the Dolphins and the San Francisco 49ers. You can even see in the shot of the replays of the kicking that the opposition team is the 49ers (it's on the helmet). The kick that Garo Yepremian missed for the Dolphins was against the Washington Redskins which was in Superbowl VII.


10th Sep 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Her other leg is obviously raised and the flat of her foot is leaning against the desk. We can't see it because of her long skirt.


10th Sep 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: If you look closely her hair to the right of her starts to flick over her shoulder as she turns to look around. The hair going around her neck gives the illusion her hair has separated her body from her head but it's just long hair covering her body below her neckline.


4th Sep 2003

Mary Poppins (1964)

Corrected entry: The "Spoonful of Sugar" sequence ends with Michael trapped in a closet. However, when Mary tells the children to get ready for a walk, he has magically got out of the closet he was trapped in, and is standing next to Jane and comes over to get his coat.

rabid anarchist

Correction: When the "Spoonful of Sugar" finally plays out and Mary says 'Are we quite finished' that was the end of the magic. There is a glimpse of the night-table cabinet doors opening and closing for a final hurrah, more than enough time for Michael to get out of the now non-magical closet.

Corrected entry: During the song 'Big Bottom' you can briefly see Jeanine standing at the side of the stage. She isn't meant to be part of the band yet. I think this is only visible in widescreen.

rabid anarchist

Correction: Often at shows, girlfriends, roadies, photographers, etc., hang at the sides of the stage, so they can actually watch the show. This is not at all uncommon, but usually the audience can't see.

5th Jan 2004

Futurama (1999)

Correction: For Bender to become a Were-Car his body mass must increase about eightfold. So, he can form things (wheels, engines, seats, seatbelts and so on) from nothing. If he can create them spontaneously, he can destroy them just the same way.

5th Jan 2004

Futurama (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Bender doesn't have a sense of taste. This is mentioned a lot. However, it creates a few problems. Firstly, in 'A Fishful of Dollars,' he eats the anchovies and finds them disgusting. Secondly, he says in 'The Sting' that after Fry is dead no one will make waffles just how he likes them. And thirdly, he says how good Elzar's robot food tastes in 'Bender gets Made.'

rabid anarchist

Correction: This was meant to demonstrate that Bender himself has a great distaste for a lot of things, and people. Primarily, that he likes to cause a problem even when no problem exists. The fact that he likes the one guy's cooking is another aspect of his mind, wherein it demonstrates how he respects and adores the man, and thus his food.

5th Jan 2004

Blackadder (1986)

Correction: The prince later wakes up telling Baldrick that "I had a cigarette case too" (which would have stopped the bullet that supposedly killed him), so him scratching himself doesn't seem like that much of a mistake to me.

8th Sep 2003

Chicken Run (2000)

Corrected entry: When the chickens are flying in the plane (as Ginger is trying to get rid of Mrs. Tweedy) they seem to have flown quite far in a straight line. Yet when Ginger finally cuts Mrs. Tweedy off, they are flying over the farm again. They must have a lot of chickens to need a farm that big.

rabid anarchist

Correction: When Fowler turns to avoid the billboard, he does a 180 and flies back in the direction of the farm, and they're over top of it again when Mrs. Tweedy falls.

16th Sep 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Correction: He begins are few of his sentences with "Well .....". It sounds like he's saying "Will" but he is not.


Corrected entry: When Shakespeare is playing Romeo at the end and is doing the poison drinking scene, he first opens the bottle, says what he has to say and in the next shot he opens the bottle again before he actually drinks the stuff.

rabid anarchist

Correction: We see him open it then give his speech but the shot where he drinks from the bottle is from behind him and the bottle can't be seen. Although his free hand reaches to the bottle, we can only speculate why, we certainly can't see him open it a second time.


18th Feb 2004

Big Fish (2003)

Corrected entry: When Carl's shadow falls over the four sheep when we first see him, the sheep are either drinking or grazing, but also bleating loudly, which they couldn't do while eating/drinking. Seems sound effects went a little overboard.

rabid anarchist

Correction: There are four sheep eating and three sheep wandering around the corral. These three are the ones making noise, because they notice the giant approaching.


Corrected entry: The stones are covered in dust and cobwebs when they're taken from the short pillars, but they're nice and shiny when they're put into the bag.

rabid anarchist

Correction: The Mondoshawans have great reverence for the stones and take the time offscreen to wipe off the dust before they place them in storage.


27th Apr 2004

Finding Nemo (2003)

Correction: They show the anchor being pulled up as the divers are getting back into the boat.

4th Feb 2004

Antz (1998)

Corrected entry: General Mandible claims that he and the princess would rule the new colony together, that she is going to be rescued when everyone else is drowned. He doesn't do a good job of this, in fact, he locks her in a room in the soon-to-filled-with-water anthill, and him and his soldiers to safety above ground. He could have planned ahead a little more.

rabid anarchist

Correction: In fact the princess wouldn't be drowned. If you look at the map that Z shows the princess closely, you would see that she is in fact safe and its only the ants at the ceremony that would be drowned.

14th Apr 2004

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: When Nigel drops Marlin and Dory back into the water you can see in the close ups of the fish that it's starting to rain. However in the shots of Nigel it isn't, and when they go under water you can't see any raindrops hitting the surface above them.

rabid anarchist

Correction: The shots of Nigel do indeed show the same tiny circular ripples in the water that are shown during the closeups of Dory and Marlin. The drops themselves are never seen and are obviously too small to be noticed while still in midair - only the circular ripples show where they're landing. As for why the ripples aren't visible when the fish are underwater, look how far beneath the surface they are in that shot and how agitated the surface itself is. It would be virtually impossible to notice the tiny ripples at that distance.

Phil C.

5th Sep 2003

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Correction: The song does not continue "uninterrupted". The instant the needle jumps to the new groove, the music shifts to the instrumental theme from the beginning of the song - which is right where it should be since the stylus moved further out on the record. You can easily hear the scratching sound that it makes as it skips to the new location.

Phil C.

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