Gary O'Reilly

Corrected entry: When Obi-Wan gets Qui-Gon's light saber and cut Darth Maul in half, when he falls he doesn't fall cut in half. They have to wait until they press standby to get the cut in half dummy. Basically even before Darth maul would fall he would be cut in half.

Correction: Since no one has ever been cut in half by a lightsaber, we don't know that. The two halves could have "stuck" together, from the blood and fluids acting as a glue of some sort. We also don't know the phisiology of Maul's species (Zabrak), so we simply can't make assumptions about how long it'd take for him to fall into two pieces.

Gary O'Reilly

Corrected entry: When Qui-Gon is walking with Jar-Jar in the city of Tatooine, look at the side, and you will see Luke Skywalker's speeder standing next to two aliens.

Correction: A) This isn't a mistake, if anything it'd be trivia and B) You can't expect Luke's speeder to be the only one of that model ever made. Chances are there are mass produced speeders, droids, ships and weapons in the Star Wars universe, just like there are in ours.

Gary O'Reilly

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