
5th Apr 2005

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: When the face sucker jumps at Kane, he only jumps onto Kane's helmet. This is best seen when in slo-mo on the DVD. Having it jump through his helmet, as we are led to believe, would have resulted in some glass breaking and facial lacerations to Kane and injury to the face sucker alien. (00:34:20)


Correction: The face-hugger emits a quantity of acid and burns its way through the helmet visor. The visor is visibly affected - the sides of the hole appear melted, not broken.


Then wouldn't Kane's face be melted?

It secretes enough acid to just melt the helmet and not damage the host.


Corrected entry: Budd only told Elle the name of the grave that the bride was buried in. She wrote this down. How is it that when she tells Bill where to deliver flowers Elle has the name of the cemetery and the directions to the cemetery? (01:05:50 - 01:13:50)


Correction: Because this happens in a very small country town; there is only one cemetary there. After Elle heard from Budd that the Bride had been defeated, she would know that's where Beatrix would be buried. All the additional information she needed from Budd was the name of the grave.


Corrected entry: When White offers Peter the $100,000 payoff for his gym he opens the briefcase and shows him the money. In the briefcase there was 1 banded stack of $100 bills. 1 standard band of $100 bills equals $10,000. There should have been 10 banded stacks of bills for a total of $100,000.


Correction: Why are you so sure that those are $100 bills? Also, can you really be sure that there are only 100 bills in the stack? Maybe those are $1000 bills (which have been used in other movies). Anyway, the joke only works if there is ONE single stack.

17th Jan 2005

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: When Spooner wakes up he turns on his CD player and begins playing a song. He is in his living room one second then in his shower the next. The song is still playing and hasn't changed. There is no way that Spooner could have gone from his living room to his shower in a split second.


Correction: He could have the same song on "repeat" mode. So while he is in the shower the same song can still be playing, because it's been repeated "X" amount of times.


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