
Corrected entry: When Caesar was hooked up to the shock table he was receiving a mild current of electrical shock. After he spoke it was ordered that he be electrocuted. Simultaneously McDonald found the power source for the table and turned it off. The operator set the machine to electrocute Caesar. He then turned the dial all the way up. An electrocuted body would give off a burning smell. Since he was not electrocuted, he would not have given off a burnt smell. Wouldn't the operator notice that he didn't have a burnt smell and therefore had not been electrocuted?


Correction: Unlikely, since the man was one of the guards and not the regular operator of the device, and since the device was not normally used for electrocution, he would not be familiar with the burning smell.

Corrected entry: In the car chase scene at the beginning, Axel is in a red Stealth. After the window has been shot up and pushed off the car, the bad guy shoots up the passenger's seat. The seat miraculously ejects from the car after being shot up. This can't happen from someone shooting bullets into a seat. (00:10:40)


Correction: This wouldn't really be a mistake. The car is coming from a chop shop. The seat may not have been bolted in yet, and simply sitting in the car. Therefore, the power of the shots could push the unlinked seat in the car up high enough to be caught by the wind (since they are traveling so fast) and pulled from the car. I know it's highly unlikely, but possible nonetheless.

Ian Mugford

23rd Aug 2005

Tron (1982)

Corrected entry: The ship begins to "de-res" at 1/3 of the ship in 4 seconds. Then the scene cuts to Yori and Flynn. After their 35 second conversation, the ship has not "de-res-ed" any more than it was before the conversation. (01:21:20)


Correction: As a user, Flynn is keeping the ship from completely de-rezzing.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Henry became a professional athlete when he signed with the Chicago Cubs. After his career with the Cubs was over, he would not been allowed to play little league baseball again. He had lost his amateur status and would be considered a professional athlete.


Correction: 2 problems with that: 1)Henry is a child. As such the league very likely would make an allowance in his contract for this. 2) The medical condition that allowed Henry to play professionally had been undone, which would clearly prevent him from playing at a professional level, at least for several years.

20th Feb 2005

The Good Son (1993)

Corrected entry: After Macaulay drops the "highway man" a large wreck ensues. When he and Elijah get home their is coverage of the wreck that appears on the news. In this coverage there is no mention of the dummy being thrown from the bridge as the cause of the accident.


Correction: Exactly. The "news" only reports what has been made public. Surely after an accident of this magnitude, there would have been a police investigation. Police do not regularly give all information out via the news, as it would compromise the ongoing investigation. Of course they may not even know a dummy was involved at that point.


27th Mar 2006

Batman Begins (2005)

Corrected entry: When Bruce opens the corridor to the Bat Cave he hits three notes on the piano to open the door. When Alfred saves Bruce from the fire he takes him to the Bat Cave. Alfred only hits two notes on the piano to open the door, not the three notes that were needed before. (01:22:15 - 01:50:15)


Correction: Alfred does, in fact, play all three notes. The camera is on his face as he hits the first key, but you can hear the note being played, even if you can not see it. As he plays the last two notes the camera shows his fingers in a close-up, so these you can both see and hear.


Corrected entry: When O-ren chops off Boss Tanaka's head it lands in front of one of the other bosses. The head is shown close up but there is no blood coming out of it. A severed head would have blood running out of it. (01:03:00)


Correction: The blood in this movie is fictional and maintains that way throughout the entire film. It would only be a factual error if the blood in this film was meant to be realistic. If it is a factual error you could argue that blood spraying out of limbs is an error as well.


5th Apr 2005

Aliens (1986)

Corrected entry: When Spunkmeyer is loading a weapon into the ship he lifts it up to the ship with the walking forklift. As it is pulled into the ship we see strings holding up the back end of the weapon to keep it level. These strings were not there as he carried the weapon. (00:36:30)


Correction: Not so. The cables are being used by the guys in the background that are guiding a large, black object that is suspended from heavy cables, going from left to right in the distance.


Corrected entry: When Jim is going to destroy Gordo's half-pipe, his truck approaches the ramp. They show the truck hitting and jumping through the ramp twice. (00:48:50)


Correction: This is done on purpose with the editing of the film, just like it shows Tom doing the same slide three times when going through the mall.


5th Apr 2005

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: When Brett is about to be killed by the alien, a close up shot of just his hat is shown when the alien's teeth impale his skull and his brains come pouring out. In slo-mo you can see that an alien hand is holding his head in place as it strikes. A split second later we see Brett's face, but there is no hand anywhere near him nor is the alien reaching out towards him. (01:07:50)


Correction: No, the alien DOES have its hands on his head. It is on the very left of his hat, and is very hard to see, but it is there.

Corrected entry: Caesar was a newly trained ape. What job could a newly trained ape do? Mopping, bed making, delivering things and washing things could be plausible. Caesar was given a job doing "light filing". To be able to file, an ape would have to know how to read and organize. The apes were not regarded as intelligent creatures that could read, so how in the world could an ape effectively file things away?


Correction: The files could be color-coded. In our tape library we have labels that each number and letter has a different color. It is possible that they have a similar system that the apes can understand.

5th Apr 2005

Aliens (1986)

Corrected entry: When Vasquez cuts a hole in the pipe for Bishop to up link with the mother ship to get the other landing plane, the plate from the pipe falls in to the hole. When Bishop is in the pipe, Vasquez and Ripley place the cut out piece back on the hole to weld it in place. The cut out piece is smaller than the hole. It was cut out from the pipe and should not fit over the hole without falling through. (01:40:20)


Correction: They probably just did the very common thing of turning the plate around so the left side was welded to the right side of the hole etc. It wouldn't fall through that way as Vazquez obvioulsy didn't cut a perfectly shaped piece of metal.

Corrected entry: At the coin toss of the state championship game it is announced that "Permian will be the home team in white, Carter will be the visiting team in red". In football the home team is normally wearing the dark color and the visiting team is wearing white. They would have needed to know this so that they would pack the correct jerseys for the trip. (In all of the shots of Carter they are wearing red. It was more cost effective for Carter to wear red the entire movie than to purchase a second set of uniforms for them.). (01:22:05)


Correction: During the bartering between the coaches before they played, Permian conceded to Carter the right to wear their "sacred red" jerseys.

17th Apr 2005

Hulk (2003)

Corrected entry: After The Hulk kills the poodle he transforms back to Bruce. The Hulk was naked, which means that Bruce will be naked, but when Bruce is approaching Betty's car a flesh colored covering is visible, used to protect Eric Bana's modesty.


Correction: The Hulk wasn't naked. He was wearing the tattered remains of underwear to cover his modesty.

The entry is correct. You can see the Hulk's bare behind as he walks towards the pond, and then Banner's bare behind after he reverts and walks towards Betty's car, and the piece of clothing he is wearing to preserve his modesty is visible as he collapses to his knees. It's also worth mentioning that any tattered remains of underwear the Hulk would have been wearing would have been far too baggy to stay around Banner's waist.


Corrected entry: When Scotty ejects Mr. Roboto from his seat into the tank with sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads, the sharks begin attacking Mr. Roboto. When sharks eat humans there should be a lot of blood in the water. This does not occur in this scene. The water never turns red, it only churns up white. (01:12:45)


Correction: As Dr.Evil wanted the lasers so that the sharks cold enjoy "A cooked meal", I'm guessing the lasers cooked Roboto instantly, so there would be no blood, just succulent Roboto Juices.

Soylent Purple

10th May 2005

The Aviator (2004)

Corrected entry: After talking about the plane orders and plans with Juan Trippe, Howard goes to the bathroom to wash his hands. Notice the dish he takes the soap out of. From the shot to shot above the sink, the soap dish on the right hand side of the sink constantly changes position and the interior of the soap dish is sometimes brown and sometimes aluminum. (01:23:20)


Correction: The soap dish keeps moving because Howard is putting the soap in it and taking it back out. The interior of the dish (which is really a portable case) is always aluminum. The brown seen is the soap itself.


12th Apr 2005

Mystery Men (1999)

Corrected entry: While in training with the Sphinx the gang walks across hot coals. When the Spleen walks across the coals, bursts of fire appear. This is implying that he is passing gas as he walks. If this is the case then the bursts of fire should come from his butt and be forced away from his body. Instead the bursts of fire start from the bed of coals and shoot upwards. (00:59:15)


Correction: This would only be the case if he had a coal immediately at his butt. In this case, he emits a cloud of gas, the cloud sinks due to being heavier than the surrounding air. When the bottom of the cloud drops down to the zone above the coals where the temperature matches the ignition temperature of the gas, the gas then burns from the bottom up, but by that time the top of the gas is no longer connected to his butt.


23rd Mar 2005

Saw (2004)

Corrected entry: When the man with the candle and flammable substance is reading the combinations on the wall during a camera closeup, he is finally set on fire and burned to death. Based on the camera shot, what was in front of him was a wall with safe combinations on it. Look closely at the candle in his left hand. The fire from the candle never gets close enough to his skin to ignite the flammable substance. There is a puff of flame that comes from in front of him that creates the flash of fire that kills him.


Correction: This isn't actually a mistake. It's a scene transition. Everything in the scene is sped up, so they aren't actually going to show when the candle burns down to his hand and sets him on fire. Plus, it's a flashback that's being told by one of the detectives. They don't really know how it happened, just that it did.

5th Apr 2005

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: Take a close look at the masks they are using when they remove the helmet from Kane. The masks they are using to prevent contamination are nothing more than ordinary oxygen masks that one uses at a hospital. This is evident by the hose receptor on the bottom of the masks. In reality these masks would not prevent them from catching any airborne disease that this alien would have. I know they are in a infirmary, but a space ship would/should be better equipped in case it comes in contact with other life forms. (00:36:40)


Correction: While these look similar to current masks, they are part of the highly advanced and miniturized technology of the time - they can do whatever they say that they do.


5th Apr 2005

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: When the face sucker alien jumped at Kane it only attached itself to the front of Kane's mask. It did not penetrate the mask. When they get Kane to the Nostromo, the face sucker alien is completely inside his mask and there is a big hole that it entered through. (00:36:20)


Correction: The face-hugger used an acidic excretion to burn its way through the helmet visor. The visor can be seen to be warped by the effect of the acid.


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