
21st Jul 2004

Futurama (1999)

A Fishful of Dollars - S1-E6

Corrected entry: After Fry buys all the 20th Century items, he puts in a Sir Mix-A-Lot CD, the song (Baby Got Back) started playing, but no one pressed Play on the stereo. Considering this is an antique 20th century stereo, I'm guessing you'd have to press play.

Correction: Not necessarily; I have a CD player I bought in 1999 that automatically starts playing as soon as you put the CD in.


7th Aug 2004

Futurama (1999)

Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love - S2-E9

Corrected entry: When Fry and Zoidberg are fighting in the ceremonial tradition of Crawplah. Bender asks Fry to go down in the 9th round. If he wanted Fry to survive that long, then, why was he trying to blind him with the suns rays to give him a disadvantage at the very start of the fight?

Correction: He thought Fry would win (thus asking him to take a dive), so he was trying to keep Zoidberg alive as long as possible.


4th Jul 2004

Futurama (1999)

I, Roommate - S1-E3

Corrected entry: How can the "closets" of the rooms in the Robot Arms Apartment be so large if all the rooms are so close together?

Correction: It may be that only certain apartments (say, every second or third one) have closets that big, while all the other apartments have small closets in between, or none at all.


4th Jul 2004

Futurama (1999)

Where the Buggalo Roam - S4-E6

Corrected entry: When everyone goes to Mars to visit Amy's parents (and celebrate Mars Day) it is shown that Mars is, like today, a red, desolate wasteland of dirt. However, in the episode "Mars University", Mars is shown to be filled with jungles and plant life. Maybe that is the hemisphere that the Wong family doesn't own, but if that were true, then why would Inez (Amy's mom) say they had the best hemisphere when the other one is, theoretically, filled with grasslands and jungles et cetera?

Correction: They own that hemisphere, therefore, they're obviously going to think it's the best.


16th Jul 2004

Futurama (1999)

30% Iron Chef - S4-E11

Corrected entry: In this episode, robot homosexuals are referred to as "romos". However, in the first episode, it's referred to as "robosexuals", so that would logically mean that it could be cut down to "robos", so why does a robo suddenly mean a robot hobo?

Correction: "Robosexual" refers to people who have sex with robots (like in the Lucy Liu episode), whereas "romos" are homosexual robots.


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