Sam Johnson

7th Nov 2005

Lost (2004)

Lost trivia picture

Trivia: In series 2, episode 2, at around the 35 minute mark when the camera goes underwater to show the shark swimming past, the shark has the Dharma logo on the back end of it. (00:33:35)

Sam Johnson

24th Sep 2005

Lost (2004)

Lost trivia picture

Man of Science, Man of Faith - S2-E1

Trivia: During the opening scene, when the camera cuts to the cabinet of drugs (shortly before the explosion heard in the distance), all the bottles of drugs have 'the numbers' on them - '4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42'. Maybe obvious to some but worth looking out for. (00:02:20)

Sam Johnson

Trivia: Much of the guitar work done in this film was by guitar hero Steve Vai, who also worked on PCU and, perhaps more famously amongst guitarists, Crossroads. Pretty much all the guitar licks which are played throughout the film when Bill & Ted play air guitar are played by Steve, as well as "The Reaper Rap" - in the end credits.

Sam Johnson

29th Sep 2004

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

Trivia: Adding to the 'carpe dentum' contribution, if you look at Pierce Brosnan when Mrs Doubtfire gets up from the table, he is moments away from bursting out laughing. According to the commentary track on the dvd, it was this reference to Dead Poets Society that tickled Brosnan but he managed to keep a straight face and so they didn't need to reshoot.

Sam Johnson

27th Sep 2004

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

Trivia: Near the end, when they are in court and Robin Williams makes his emotional closing statement, it actually had to be re-shot because the first time he did it, it was apparently just too much, and the crew were just left speechless. The director decided that this was perhaps a bit too much to take and so they re-shot it.

Sam Johnson

Trivia: Parminder K Nagra, who plays Jess, is 17/18 in the film - she is getting her A level results part way through the film. It might surprise you to know that she was born on October 5 1975, making her 28.

Sam Johnson

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