
11th Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: Did or didn't Sonny kill Lanning? If he did, how did he do it? What was the promise he had to give?

Answer: Sonny killed Lanning. Lanning had designed Sonny with the ability to opt out of the Three Laws when he deemed it absolutely necessary. Lanning forced Sonny to promise to do Lanning a favor, then told him the favor was to throw Lanning out the window. Forced to keep his word by Lanning's own programming, Sonny overrode the Three Laws and tossed Lanning out the window.


29th Jul 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: The rich guy was found dead. I don't quite understand his involvement, did he order the attack on Spooner? And I also don't get his wound around the neck, for a second I thought he was a robot, since it was a little odd and there was no blood.

Kirill Ostapenko

Chosen answer: Just like the earlier murder, this one was also caused by VIKI and the NS-5s under her control (they also attacked Spooner). He tried to protect the company and its profits by preventing any information about potentially unreliable robots from dissemination, not knowing the depth of the problem. VIKI killed him when she no longer needed his protection. The wound on his neck was from his throat being crushed by an NS-5, hence the fingerprints.


28th Jul 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: Were the MS-5 faces modeled after an actual person?

Answer: They all look vaguely like Alan Tudyk to me, who did the voice of Sonny.


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