
Corrected entry: Why did the Predators store their tracking weapons, the one real advantage they have over the Aliens, in a chest that humans could open? That's not a necessary plot device, it's begging for trouble. The humans aren't considered to be part of the hunt, only a mechanism for the Aliens to be born. Even if part of the trial is reaching the chest, why would it have the same writing taught to the humans if only Predators are intended to open it instead of in the Predator language?


Correction: Part of the trial is to reach the chest with only hand weapons. The humans that come since the temple froze over didn't know it was there (and wouldn't be able to read Aztec heiroglyphs to open it even if they did), and when there were humans living there they wouldn't dare even touch the chest, after all they were told to stay out of it by their GODS!

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Supposedly the original human civilization that worshipped the Predators was destroyed when the Predators under trial lost against the Aliens and set off their bombs, decimating the city and killing all humans and Aliens in the surrounding area. How did the trial temple survive? At the end, it was destroyed by the same type of bomb, so it's not immune to the weaponry. If the Predators rebuilt it recently they wouldn't have bothered to include human script on all the walls to explain its purpose.


Correction: We see from the architecture in the pyramid that the predators where visiting cultures all over the planet. Eqypt (north Africa), South America, Asia. So the one that was destroyed in the flashback, was just one of the places on the planet that they used, not the only one.


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