
Question: Why did Jack not turn into a skeleton in the moonlight in the prison (near the beginning), but at the end he did turn into a skeleton in the moonlight?

Answer: He wasn't cursed at the beginning because the crew mutinied against him before they reached the island with the Aztec gold. He becomes cursed during his speech to Barbossa near the end when he takes a few gold coins from the chest and returns most, but not all, of them.


Question: Jack mentions twice that eunochs have wonderful singing voices. Why would a eunoch have a wonderful singing voice? And is calling someone a eunoch a really bad insult of something? And how can all the French be eunochs?

Answer: Primarily in the Middle Ages, but both before and after as well, preadolescent boys had their testicles cut off to preserve their voices by preventing the sexual changes of puberty. They then maintained the high voices of their youth through adulthood, though they never physically matured. So to call someone a eunoch is to say they are a person with no balls, and all the connotation thereof. Hence the insult to the French.


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