
16th Jul 2004

Signs (2002)

Corrected entry: Later in the movie we hear from the radio/TV that the aliens have been scared out of other countries as the inhabitants have discovered some "primitive methods" of defense. Of course its very unlikely that those countries wouldn't have mentioned the fact that it was water. Then it would only make sense to forward that information to the REST OF THE WORLD along with any newspieces. Is it that hard to say "oh by the way, you can rid yourself of any pesky aliens by using WATER.".

Correction: It's very common for news shows, especially here in the States, to bait the audience by introducing the most important and/or interesting information, then doing a commercial break: "Coming up next, what you don't know about the deadly chemicals in your own home." This is one such example. It's not extremely important to relay this information because for all intents and purposes the invasion is over - the alien ships have left and only a few wounded stragglers who should be quickly overwhelmed by recovering humans remain. The emergency broadcast about water as a weapon went out while our heroes were in the basement.


19th Jul 2004

Signs (2002)

Corrected entry: These aliens are capable of interstellar travel, but they cannot figure out how to get out of a bathroom, with a wooden door and a simple lock?


Correction: Given their advanced technology they can travel across the stars. Without that, they're stuck with much the same physical equipment that humnas are. It would be easy enough to lock a person in a closet that has a deadbolt, even though humans are smart enough to figure out relativity.


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