Super Grover

23rd Jun 2024

Samurai Jack (2001)

Samurai Jack mistake picture

Episode XCII - S5-E1

Deliberate mistake: Jack stops his motorbike beside a stream, and Jack's weapon strap crosses over his left shoulder when he walks over to have a drink. The problem is when we see Jack's reflection in the water, his image is not reversed; note the strap is still crossing over Jack's left shoulder. (00:07:20)

Super Grover

16th Jun 2024

Samurai Jack (2001)

11th Jun 2024

Samurai Jack (2001)

Samurai Jack mistake picture

Episode XXIX - Couple on a Train - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: When Josephine grabs Ezekiel by his poncho, she is wearing a black glove on her right arm, but when the scene cuts to Ezekiel when he says, "What business is it of yours?", the glove disappears, showing Josephine's arm bare, but in the next shot, she is wearing both gloves again. (00:08:40)

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