Visible crew/equipment: At the Swann home, after the shot of Will nodding to the passing butler, when Governor Swann walks down the stairs as he says "Ah, Mr. Turner," a mat is visible on the foyer floor between the chair and table. The mat is also visible when Will flips the sword. However, when Governor Swann, Elizabeth and Will leave the house, the mat is gone. (This is ONLY visible on the video version.).
Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: As Will and Jack duel up top in Brown's shop, in two close-up shots a large plank is visible at their feet with two long black marks along each side detailing where the beams are supposed to be, so that Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp know where to land as they supposedly leap from beam to beam and feign keeping their balance. (This is ONLY visible on the video version.)
Continuity mistake: As Will and Grapple fight, in the shot facing Grapple after Will's sword is hurled away, Grapple grabs Will directly around the back of his neck with the grapnel and starts to pull him close. However, in the next shot facing Will, the grapnel is only at Will's shoulder and left arm, as Grapple pulls him close. (00:34:55)
Continuity mistake: As Will holds the sword above his head to block Grapple's grapnel, the cloth (the same one he wears around his neck when his sleeve is pulled down) that is tied around his right wrist is visible. He is soon rendered unconscious by a pirate's candlestick. When he wakes he puts his right hand to his aching head and the cloth's knot is visible. The cloth is wrapped completely differently in the two shots, though he never had the chance to change it. (00:34:50)
Easter egg: On Disc 2, in the Main Menu choose the "Moonlight Serenade" Scene Progression. For PC: then click on the front tooth of the skeleton, which turns gold when touched. For TV: scroll down to Main Menu on that screen, then click the down arrow twice and hit enter on the remote. A short interview with Keith Richards will be seen.
Deliberate mistake: Not only is the angle of the moonlight that shines through Jack's prison cell window intentionally exaggerated to enhance the shots with Jack, doggy, Koehler and Twigg, but in relevant shots, the moonlight is not seen coming through the window or the broken wall. Nor is it reflected on the floor outside the cells or in the cell next to Jack, particularly in the shots from the dog's POV looking up the corridor towards Jack. (00:36:00)
Revealing mistake: Three shots after Ragetti inserts his wooden eye at the Port Royal shore, two pirates, one with long hair wearing a cap and one bald, each holding a torch in their right hands, are running and screaming. In the background, the pirate who is sliced in the belly by Will in the later shot, is seen running forward towards Will, who's partially seen on the left in the background, but Will has NOT even left the blacksmith shop yet and the woman running in the background has had her dress' color altered so as not to resemble herself in the later shot. We see the two screaming pirates later in the foreground of the same shot, before Will crosses the sword and axe overhead. (00:30:55)

Continuity mistake: When Elizabeth's maids lace up her corset, obviously both the back and front laces were pulled very tight, as this is the reason for her discomfort and eventual lack of air. After Jack rescues her, as she is on his shoulder we see the two sides on the back of her corset are far apart and the laces in between extremely loose. Yet, when she is lying on the dock, Jack slices the front laces on her supposedly constricting corset so she can breathe again... (00:16:25)

Revealing mistake: When Jack rescues an unconscious Elizabeth, as he reaches to lift her, his wet white shirt is translucent. From just above the elbow we can see the pink of his skin showing through the sleeves, but above that it's very apparent that he is wearing another garment under the white shirt. Yet when he's on the dock, there is no other garment under his shirt, which is still translucent enough to see the two tattoos on each of his shoulders. (00:16:00)
Revealing mistake: Aboard Interceptor, Jack calls out, "Monkey!" as the monkey jumps onto the broken mast leading to the Pearl and Jack runs after him. In the very next shot of Elizabeth, who's trying to move the broken rigging from the hatch that Will is trapped under, the coloring is off in this one shot. The color of her dress, for example, is not vibrant, it is brown. This is visible on the region 1 DVD and on videotape. (01:29:25)
Revealing mistake: After the pirates open the gate on the Governor's property, they run towards the mansion and in the shot from behind they are casting shadows on the ground to their right. In the next shot from Elizabeth's window, they are casting long shadows directly in front of themselves. (00:31:55)
Deliberate mistake: During the pirates' attack on Port Royal, when they go about cutting and slicing, it is very obvious many times, especially in close-ups, that fists, weapons, etc., do not make contact, and the victims usually have a delayed reaction or react before actually being hit. This type of thing occurs numerous times aboard Interceptor, on Tortuga, and Isla de Muerta. (00:31:20)
Revealing mistake: During the attack on Port Royal, Will crosses his axe (left hand) and sword (right hand) overhead to block a pirate's blow and then proceeds to slice that pirate across his abdomen. Yet in the previous shot, in which another pirate with a cap stabs a man who is leaning against a stone wall, we see Will in the background on the left of the screen, having stabbed that pirate in the abdomen already. Obviously cut and the takes were edited out of sequence. (00:31:20)
Visible crew/equipment: When the Black Pearl fires on Port Royal, during the cannon fire in the town, one of the stuntmen shouts as he is being propelled into the air by a spring board and then lands on a vegetable cart. The spring board is perfectly visible behind a wheelbarrow and sack. This occurs just before the first shot of the chimney exploding. (This is another stuntman and spring board than the other mistake.) (00:30:20)
Revealing mistake: After Will slams the gold bowl down over the pirate's head, this pirate spends time trying to pry the bowl off his head with great difficulty. When Jacoby tosses the bomb, Will dives, then lands and seen in the background is the gold bowl pirate. The bowl actually starts to FALL OFF his head, so the actor reaches up with his left hand to keep it on his head for the shot. However after Elizabeth asks, "Whose side is Jack on?" the pirate is very pleased with himself when he is finally able to pry the bowl off, just before Elizabeth whacks him. (01:59:35)
Revealing mistake: After skewering the three skeletal pirates, Will places the lit bomb inside of Jacoby. In the close-up Will places the bomb through Jacoby's ribs, right under his beard and Jacoby's leather strap and buckle are not seen. Yet in the next shot as Will removes his hand, the strap and buckle are slung across Jacoby's ribs near his beard. It should have been seen in the close-up. (02:00:30)
Revealing mistake: When Jack sees Will run toward the Aztec chest, he quickly slices his palm and parries with Barbossa. In the shot facing Barbossa, Jack strikes the sword out of Barbossa's hand, then as Barbossa spins around his right hand is empty, and we hear the sword falling in the distance. However, when Barbossa says, "Ten years you carry that pistol..." Barbossa is still miraculously holding his sword - the sword tip is moving at the bottom of the screen, as he speaks. (More of the sword is visible on VHS.) (02:00:45)
Revealing mistake: When Will hangs on the boom over the water, Jack says, "I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy.." Then he brings the boom back and Will falls. While Will lies on the deck, in both shots, a band on the bottom of the right leg of his breeches is seen above his leg hose, whereas in the previous shot when he was falling from the boom, the band in not there. (00:50:10)
Continuity mistake: While standing near the Aztec chest, Will says, "He didn't waste it," and in this shot there are two buttons closed on his vest, over the belt buckle. Yet, in the close-up of Will's hand dropping the two pieces of gold, there is only one button closed on his vest, over the buckle. (02:01:10)

Continuity mistake: After Elizabeth whacks Jacoby and tells him to try wearing a corset, she helps Will to his feet. In the close-up of Will smiling and looking at her, his hair is noticeably wet and very stringy. However when Elizabeth asks, "Whose side is Jack on?" Will's hair is no longer wet. (01:59:50)
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