Visible crew/equipment: As Harry runs from the Basilisk after Riddle shouts, "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter...," there is a close-up of the Basilisk's face. In the next shot, which faces Harry's back, the overhead studio lighting bar with multiple lights is reflected in the puddle in front of Harry. (02:09:55)
Super Grover
20th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
19th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: Upon entering the Chamber of Secrets, Harry spots Ginny and runs towards her. After the last close-up of Harry's face as he runs, there is shot that faces Ginny, showing Harry's back. At the very start of this shot, on the bottom left corner of the screen two overhead studio lights, other equipment and scaffolding are perfectly visible, reflected in the puddle to Harry's left. Later when he runs out of the pipe, towards Ginny, some light reflections are visible as well. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (02:04:40)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: When Hagrid and Harry leave Knockturn Alley, Hagrid's face is hidden in shadow, as it is really the body double behind Harry and we hear Hagrid's voice say, "You're a mess Harry. Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place..." As Hagrid's (Robbie Coltrane) voice continues, "People will think you're up to no good," Dan Radcliffe reaches his white tape mark cueing him to turn and begin to say, "I was lost. I... Hang on. What were you doing down there then?" (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (00:17:00)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Revealing mistake: The spectator towers nearest the castle cast shadows on the Quidditch pitch throughout the match, albeit differently in some shots. From within the pitch, when facing the castle, the towers that cast shadows are between Gryffyndor, the last tower on the left and Slytherin the last tower on the right. When Malfoy flies up from below the stands and slams to the ground he lands in front of the opposite side, with the black/white faculty towers, between Ravenclaw on one end and Hufflepuff on the other end, which do not cast shadows on the pitch. Yet, as Harry closes in on the Snitch with his broken arm, in the shot facing the Snitch as his left hand reaches out and in the next shot that faces Harry as he seizes the Snitch, the towers between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are the ones that cast shadows on the pitch. (00:56:55)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Revealing mistake: From within the Quidditch pitch, when facing one set of three goal posts the last spectator tower to the left is Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tower is last to the right and when facing the other set of goal posts Slytherin tower is last to the left and Hufflepuff tower is last to the right. After the Bludger breaks Harry's arm, in the shot facing the Snitch, as Harry's hand reaches for it, directly in FRONT of Harry are the goal posts between Slytherin and Hufflepuff towers. Then in the next shot facing Harry, as he reaches and catches Snitch, those same goal posts are directly BEHIND Harry. Yet, when he lands in the sand, he is at those very goal posts. (00:57:20)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Lucius Malfoy tries to curse Harry, Dobby stands directly in front of Harry and says, "You shall not harm Harry Potter!" In the side shot of Lucius Malfoy being thrown, Harry is behind Dobby to his right and the grass with its shadow is visible. Though, in the next back shot Harry stands behind Dobby to his left and the grass is again visible, but with no shadow. (02:25:30)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Lucius Malfoy charges into Dumbledore's study, in the overhead shot as he says, "So it's true. You have returned," the diary is visible and it barely has a shadow on the desk, yet in the next shot, a close-up of Dumbledore, the diary casts a long shadow. When Lucius leaves, Harry begins to ask, "Sir...," in the overhead shot, the diary sits at the top of Dumbledore's desk, yet in the next shot, a close-up of the diary, it sits close to the bottom. (02:21:35 - 02:24:00)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: During Lockhart's dueling demonstration, as Harry speaks Parseltongue, the snake nears Justin Finch-Fletchley, in close-ups and wide shots until after Justin asks, "What are you playing at?" students including Susan, Ernie, etc., on Justin's left, alter their positions in consecutive shots. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (01:08:25)
15th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: After arriving at Diagon Alley, Hermione runs up to Harry and Hagrid. In the wide shot as she says, "Harry!" there is a man with a red hat, holding an owl, to Harry's left and hanging in the doorway are beads that are pulled to the side door frame. In the close-up when Hermione says, "It's so good to see you," as that man enters the store the beads are hanging straight down. The beads are pulled up again in the next wide shot when they say goodbye to Hagrid. (00:17:25)
13th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: Rushing to make Hogwarts Express at the train station, the shot opens as the camera pans Ginny's trunk and two marks come into view. While Ginny and Mr. Weasley push her trolley, Mr. Weasley is cued and begins to say, "10:58, come on, come on!" just as the actor hits his tape mark on the ground below, while Percy's trolley hits its tape mark, so Harry is visible behind him, and cues Mr. Weasley to continue speaking. In the shot when Mrs. Weasley says, "Okay" for Ginny to go and in the shot as Harry says, "Let's go," their marks are gone. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (00:22:15)
13th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: After leaving Borgin & Burkes in Knockturn Alley, Harry is accosted by a witch. When he begins to turn around, just as the bald man approaches, the actors' mark is clearly visible on the edge of the first deep step below, with the shallow steps in the background. In the shot from above, after Hagrid says, "What do you think you're doing down here? Come on," their mark is GONE. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (00:16:35)
13th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: In Flourish and Blotts, when Lockhart says "Which, incidentally, is currently celebrating its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list," the overhead camera pans up. As the camera passes his feet, Tom Felton's mark (two long strips of white tape) is perfectly visible on the balcony floor where he stands. (00:19:00)
13th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: Harry is forced to stand beside Lockhart as he says, "Nice big smile Harry. Together you and I rate the front page," and the books are visible under the desk. In the overhead shot before it pans to Malfoy, the books are visible again, but the stacked black books' positions differ considerably. (00:18:40)
13th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Revealing mistake: When Harry sits in the Gryffindor common room with the diary, in the close-up, the name Tom Marvolo Riddle is gold embossed on the back cover. However in the previous shot, when Harry lifts the diary off the floor in the lavatory, both sides are clearly visible and the name is NOT on either side, nor is it seen on either side when Harry first takes it from Ginny's arm and when he closes it to stab the cover with the Basilisk fang. The name is also NOT embossed on the cover when Dumbledore holds it up in his study or in the close-up of the other side when he places it on the desk in front of Harry and Lucius Malfoy. (01:27:10 - 02:15:10)
11th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: In Flourish and Blotts, after being spotted, the photographer pushes Harry behind the desk and Lockhart pulls Harry closer. At the start of this shot, the books lying on the floor, on the left, are visible under the desk. There are two strips of white tape, perpendicular to each other, on the floor protruding from under the books. However, in the overhead shot when Lockhart says, " currently celebrating its 27th week...," their mark is GONE. The tape is visible again when Lockhart says, "..with my entire collected works...," due to the same camera angle as the first. (Visible in DVD fullscreen) (00:18:35)
11th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Audio problem: At Flourish and Blotts after Lockhart says, "It can't be Harry Potter," the photographer grabs Harry and says, "Excuse me madame," but the photographer's lips do not move. (00:18:35)
11th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Harry and Hermione run into Flourish and Blotts, Mrs. Weasley fusses and wipes off Harry's cloak. As she says, "Thank goodness. We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate..," she holds her purse a particular way and Ginny faces Harry, yet, in the next shot as she continues to say, "..too far," she holds her purse differently and Ginny now faces the other way. (00:18:05)
10th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: At the Weasleys, there is a close-up of Harry's face as he watches the fry pan being washed. In this shot as Harry walks away, twin 1 removes his jacket, while twin 2, wearing his jacket, closes the window atop the short door. In the next shot as Harry nears the clock, twin 1 takes his jacket off again. (00:11:00)
10th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: While standing in the Dursley's kitchen doorway, Dobby says, "Then Dobby must do it sir, for Harry Potter's own good." In the next shot as the cake/pudding floats away, the wine bottle on the counter is pointing towards the hallway. Yet when Harry stands by the kitchen watching the cake/pudding float towards Mrs. Mason, the wine caddy is turned and the bottle now points towards the kitchen wall. (00:07:15)
10th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Harry chases Dobby down the stairs at the Dursleys, they stop in the hallway and there is a telephone on the table beside Harry. In the next close-up, the phone and cord's position differ and when Harry rushes past Dobby, the position differs again. (00:06:50)
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