
8th Sep 2009

Watchmen (2009)

Corrected entry: In the initial scenes when Comedian is killed, the .45 pistol showed has Picattini rails in the frame. The story is set in 1985, when no pistol whatsoever had that feature (a.45 1911 like that, looking like a Springfield, was only offered in 2006).

Correction: It's set in an alternate 1985, where it's repeatedly shown that many things are different.


13th Mar 2009

Watchmen (2009)

Correction: This is irrelevant to this film. The homage to the graphic novel occurs in Heroes and thus should be noted in a trivia item for that TV series, not here.


8th Mar 2009

Watchmen (2009)

Corrected entry: During the course of the movie, Archie the owl ship seems to change size. Most of the movie it is barely big enough for two people, however in the scene during the building fire rescue, 20 people are taken to safety in one transport.

Correction: External shots of Archie throughout the film show that it is far larger than "barely big enough for two", as do many shots from within. There is nothing inconsistent with being able to cram in the people they rescue from the fire.


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