
13th Dec 2012

Doctor Who (1963)

Show generally

Question: 1. How did Sarah-Jane Smith get introduced to the Doctor? 2.Does she have a 'title'? (eg. Amelia is the girl that waited) 3. How did she get written out?


Chosen answer: 1) She broke into a UNIT base during the story "The Time Warrior", masquerading as her aunt, a respected scientist, and met the Doctor there when she investigated the strange blue box that she found there. 2) No, she doesn't. 3) She left the series at the end of The Hand of Fear, after the Doctor was summoned home to Gallifrey and decided that it would be too dangerous to take her there with him. He dropped her off, ostensibly near her home in South London, but actually in Aberdeen, due to the navigational eccentricities of the TARDIS.


18th Mar 2012

Doctor Who (1963)

Show generally

Question: Has the Doctor's real Gallifrey name ever been mentioned? And why does he call himself the Doctor?

Answer: No, his real name has never been stated, although one previous nickname from his early years ("Thete", short for "Theta Sigma") was mentioned by Drax, another Time Lord. Nor has his reason for adopting the pseudonym of The Doctor ever been fully explained. The name appears to be a personal choice rather than something given him by others - the Master tells him at one point that it was sanctimonious of him to choose a name that identifies him as "the man who makes people better". Several incarnations have claimed to have studied a number of different disciplines (including medicine) at various points in his existence, making it also possible that he could genuinely hold at least one academic doctorate, which could be a potential factor in his choice.


8th Nov 2010

Doctor Who (1963)

Chosen answer: No reason for this has yet been disclosed.


24th Mar 2009

Doctor Who (1963)

Chosen answer: It's principally related to the Time Lord's strict non-intervention policy, which stated that they should only observe events, not interfere in any way. The Doctor staunchly disagreed, believing that they had a moral duty to protect the universe from evil. That, combined with his own wanderlust and desire to see and experience the wonders of the cosmos, was what ultimately drove him to steal the TARDIS and take up the life of a renegade.


Yes he has mentioned before why he left.


24th Mar 2009

Doctor Who (1963)

Chosen answer: The Master has run out of regenerations - he's keeping his failing body alive through sheer willpower, but it's a losing battle, as his appalling condition shows.


3rd Aug 2005

Doctor Who (1963)

Answer: TARDISes are generally available for properly authorised use on Gallifrey; they're not usually assigned to a particular Timelord on a long-term basis. The Doctor stole his when he left his homeworld.


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