troy fox

9th May 2005

White Noise (2005)

Question: Besides the Thomas Alva Edison quote at the film's beginning, what could be the scientific explanation for the fact that electronic equipment 'from this side' it's able of capturing sounds and sights from people 'at the other side'?

Carlos Sicilia

Chosen answer: I think it is quoted in the movie, but the first Law of Thermodynamics is that energy can be neither created, nor destroyed, it can only change form. We, as humans create energy, so it must go somewhere when we die. Since it cannot be destroyed it is entirely probable that it could change into radio waves, one of the most common forms of energy. So it obviously would be transmitted through a radio, where it gets mixed up with static, creating EVP.

troy fox

3rd Feb 2005

The Grudge (2004)

Question: How exactly did they make Kayako's croaking noise for the movie?

Answer: Someone - not specified so I assume a Foley artist - made the croaking noise. If you listen to the commentary Jason Behr talks about how he phoned his sister after she has seen the movie and made the croaking sound in his throat and freaked his sister out so that she wouldn't answer the phone.

troy fox

Answer: According to Imdb and The Grudge Wikia, director Takashi Shimizu himself made Kayako's death rattle. Shimizu directed both the Japanese and the American version of the film.

Answer: In addition to what everyone else is saying, it's actually a remarkably easy sound to reproduce. You simply push air very slowly through the lower-back of your throat and can use muscle contractions of the tongue and throat, along with varying the speed slightly, to adjust the sound/pitch/speed.

Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11

Question: At the end of the episode, the invisible girl is taken away by government officials and put in a school where other invisible children are taught things such as assassination and infiltration. Did the series ever follow up on this 'loose end'?

Answer: Marcie Ross - the invisible girl - is never heard of again, though in Season Seven there is another girl who starts turning invisible before Buffy steps in and acknowledges her. That said, in Season 8 (comic) there's hints that Marcie might possibly make a guest appearance in Season 9, as she is asked for by numerous fans.

troy fox

Question: Maybe I need to read the book, but can someone explain the whole ending sequence to me. Why all the flashy over dramatized pictures? It's artistic but is there some other meaning to it?


Chosen answer: All the flashing images are supposed to represent Bowman travelling past far and distant galaxies, this is what happens in the book, where he travels to that white house place.

troy fox

Answer: At the end, in the Arthur C. Clarke's story, both Dave Bowman and Frank Poole (who survived) went to a moon of Saturn to investigate the second Monolith. Dave Bowman tried to touch the Monolith with his space pod and was sucked into a wormhole that transported him to a star on the other side of the universe - at which point, Dave's last transmission is "My God, it's full of stars!" All of the "slit-scan" visual effects by Doug Trumbull (based on effects created by John Whitney years earlier) represent an almost instant voyage to the other side of the universe. Whether this is supposed to be a quantum-jump is not explained, but it's millions of times faster than anything ever depicted in Star Trek or other space fantasy knockoffs.

Charles Austin Miller

Frank does not survive in the book; he is killed by HAL just as in the film.

Question: In the scene with the Fellowship outside the walls of Moria, Frodo asks Gandalf, what the Elvish word is for 'friend.' Why didn't he ask Legolas, the only Elf, in their group? Or was he just asking in general and Gandalf answered first?

Answer: I think since Gandalf had just translated the Elvish it seemed only obvious to ask him.

troy fox

26th Nov 2003

Jeepers Creepers (2001)

Question: Why does the woman with the dreams attach so much importance to the creature's number plate?

Answer: Because the number plate is BEATNGU which translates to Be Eating You, foreshadowing what will happen to Darry.

troy fox

29th Nov 2003

My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Question: Why does Pecsi lie so much to the judge about his credentials? He graduated from law school and passed the bar. The boys should be able to have whatever lawyer they want.

William Bergquist

Chosen answer: The judge is trying to ensure that Vinny will provide a competent and zealous defense for the boys, and not make a mockery of the courtroom procedure he loves so much. Since Vinny knows that six weeks of civil law practice, and zero courtroom time will not convince him, he lies.

troy fox

Answer: Vinny is an out of state lawyer who (presumably) isn't admitted to practice in Alabama. In order to practice in that jurisdiction, Vinny would have to be admitted "pro hac vice" or "for this occasion only." Especially in capital criminal cases, a defense lawyer must be certified as having a certain level of expertise to avoid later appellate claims of ineffective counsel. In this case, Judge Trotter is actually being fairly lax in just relying on a brief interview of Vinny to make a decision to allow an out of jurisdiction lawyer verbally provide his criminal defense credentials.

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