Corrected entry: The reason Sandra Bullock buys the lake house is because she witnesses Keanu Reeves' death. She "meets" Keanu Reeves because she bought the lake house. In order for this to happen, Keanu has to die in her time, yet at the end of the movie, he lives therefore she never would have bought the house or met him.
26th Oct 2006
The Lake House (2006)
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Correction: By the time Kate witnessed Alex's death at the Plaza not only had she and Morgan already bought the Lake House, they'd already moved OUT. (She left the note for the 'new' tenant first THEN saw Alex die.) Kate had already met Alex two years earlier at her birthday party (at her old house - at this point Alex is still living at the Lake House), and the only reason she and Morgan were able to move in to the Lake House was because Alex moved out and gave Morgan the keys because he knew it was what Kate wanted. Kate's buying the LH was nothing to do with Alex's fate.
Chimera ★
Kate rents (not purchases) the LH. She rents it while finishing her residency "in a small hospital up along the North Shore." The birthday party is at Morgan's house (not Kate and Morgan), and is described by Kate telling Morgan about his jumping "10 steps" ahead and inviting the whole town to the party. Kate breaks up with Morgan about the time of the b-day or when she moves to LH. Alex has no address for Kate, but has Morgan's card and can give him the keys. No evidence Morgan ever visits LH.