Larry Koehn

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, a narrator explains why the Martians considered Earth the place to inhabit and not the other planets in our solar system. For some reason, he leaves out Venus.

Larry Koehn

Correction: The narrator never says "solar system" but that the Martians looked "across space", so leaving out Venus means nothing. After naming Mercury the narrator says "of all the worlds the Martians could see and study..." suggesting that more than just Venus was left off the list of worlds Martians looked at.


Correction: The narration also states that Uranus and Neptune are in eternal night - which is not correct. They receive sunlight just like all the planets. So they do have sunlit hemispheres. The narration was correct that they are ultra-cold worlds, though.

Corrected entry: Gene Barry swings an axe at a Martian camera (tri-lens) without ever touching it and yet it falls down. He does strike a beam just to the right of the camera which is at the same level and then they both fall at the same time - how convenient. (00:51:20)

Larry Koehn

Correction: This is not a mistake. When the professor swings the axe it knocks down the beam, which traps the Martian camera's neck. While the neck is trapped he dismembers it with the axe.

Corrected entry: All the people begin leaving the church after the Martian saucer crashes. How did they all know it was safe to go outside within moments after the crash? (01:22:15)

Larry Koehn

Correction: Firstly, they don't leave IMMEDIATELY. Secondly, You can hear Dr. Forrester say "It's quiet. Maybe they have gone." - They left because there were suddenly no explosions and loud noise.


Corrected entry: Martians die at the end of the film because of the bacteria in our atmosphere. Martians are living organisms (they had anemic blood in the movie), so why weren't humans affected adversely by the Martian bacteria?

Larry Koehn

Correction: Perhaps the human immune system is better at killing them than the Martian immune system (if there is such a thing) is at dealing with Earth bacteria.


Correction: The Martians hadn't been on Earth long enough to spread any alien germs. The invasion unfolded rather quickly. The aliens were mostly confined to their space ships, and had limited direct contact with humans. If they had survived longer, they might have spread fatal organisms to humans, though the humans probably would have been eradicated by then.


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