
28th Feb 2007

Hey Arnold! (1996)

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Suggested correction: Like you state, most of the other lockers have padlocks, which means that some don't. You can even see some lockers without padlocks in the beginning. This is not a reason as to why Arnold and Gerald's lockers having no padlocks is a mistake. It more has to do with the fact that their lockers in particular should have padlocks, because they usually have them in other appearances. Edit: While I do agree with what I said, I now think that changing the mistake's wording would have been a better option than adding a correction, as Arnold and Gerald's lockers not having padlocks is still a mistake on its own.


Jon, may my correction be removed, please? Because I never proved the mistake wrong; I admitted that the mistake was right, but just kind of said that the reasoning given for it was wrong. It's not really valid, and I have no idea why I typed this.


6th Jun 2024

Hey Arnold! (1996)

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Factual error: Harold's age is inconsistent throughout the series. Harold has his Bar Mitzvah in "Harold's Bar Mitzvah", establishing that he is 13 years old, and in "Hey Harold!", he tells Patty that he was held back a couple years, which is why he is still in fourth grade. However, in "Helga on the Couch", he is shown in the same preschool class as the other kids, and in "The Journal", he is shown playing in the park with the other kids, and he is a baby just like all of them.


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Suggested correction: It's possible that Harold wasn't the only student held back, even though he's older than his classmates. Just a thought.

So? How does that justify him being in the same preschool class as the other kids?


He was probably held back in preschool but was not mentioned.


Fair enough, but he is also in "The Journal" which took place before the kids were in preschool. He is shown playing with the other kids as a baby, and there is no sign of an age difference, even though he is supposed to be 4 years older than them at most. All the other main kid characters are around 9 years old in the fourth grade. It's highly unlikely that Harold would be around those kids as a baby.


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