
17th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Pokemon mistake picture

Pikachu Re-Volts - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Ash gets the certificate, part of Pikachu disappears briefly. Also, the man with a red shirt goes from having a split in his shirt too not. Additionally, a girl with an orange shirt between Ash and Officer Jenny goes from being there to vanishing with a man with a yellow shirt going from absent to present. Furthermore, the woman with a green tank top goes from having pink shorts and people to the right of her to having pink pants and not having people to her right. (00:20:20)


Pokémon the Movie: Destiny Deoxys mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Plusle goes over to the Minun that is stuck, the bottle on the ground goes from having its text white with its wrapper blue to having its colours reversed. Also, the brickwork on the ground changes between shots. (00:28:31)


13th Sep 2022

Super Mario World (1991)

12th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

7th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

7th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

5th Sep 2022

Man vs. Bee (2022)

Chapter 2 - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Maddy says that they will be able to go on a holiday together, Trevor's right index finger is on the right side of his phone, but in the next shot, it is on the back of it. (00:06:22)


5th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

5th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Pokemon mistake picture

Pokéball Peril - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When the computer in Professor Oak's laboratory turns on, there are no lights or moulding, but in the next shot, there are. Also, the raised ceiling's limits to the left and right cannot be seen, but in the next shot, they can. Additionally, three panels are on the screen, but in the next shot, there are five. (00:06:29)


29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Pokémon the Movie: Destiny Deoxys mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When it shows Ash and friends after showing a Block Bot, there is a couple walking alongside near a store, but in the next shot, they disappear from there. (00:18:09)


29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Continuity mistake: When Tony is walking alone after his first match before he sits on a railing, the centre building has the items on top changing between shots. (00:28:11)


Pokémon the Movie: Destiny Deoxys mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Officer Jenny throws a life buoy to Professor Lund, it has strips, but in the next shot, the strips disappear. Also, the rope on it is tied around it three times, but in the next shot, it is tied two times. (00:48:06)


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