
Bug: If one player moves the giant's gift as another player is about to sit down in it, that player will be frozen in midair.


Bug: If one player destroys the giant's gift right as another is about to sit in it, the game freezes.


Bug: If the player opens the emote screen while they are sitting down in the giant's gift, the animation glitches for a few seconds.


Bug: If the king asks you to make a tent or a snow house right as the factory is destroyed, the game will freeze.


Bug: If the player brings up an error message right as a cutshot is being played, the cutshot will appear darker than normal.


Bug: If a player tries to break a cannon as another player locks it, the animation of them breaking it is not played, but it appears as if it was broken.


Bug: If the player attempts to break something that cannot be picked up yet, the error message will say that they cannot pick it up.


Bug: If a player joins a single-player game as a building awarding stars is built, their side of the screen will be the same as the other side.


Bug: If one player shoos away the dragon, while another talks to the carving boss, the dragon will disappear into thin air.


Bug: If one player attempts to travel while another talks to a Kefling, that player cannot perform any actions until the other player pauses the game or talks to another Kefling.


Bug: If the player opens the blueprint menu when the game displays a message, the message will freeze in place until they close it.


Bug: If the player faces away from an edge when they place a piece, they will pass through it. If they then break the piece, they will be stuck out-of-bounds until they restart.


Bug: If the player destroys an upgrade of the town hall before the leader reaches it, when the player rebuilds it, they will not go inside unless the building is placed over them.


Bug: When the dye mixer and dye mixer upgrade are activated, the game lists the description of the buildings instead of notifying the player about the new colours.


Bug: If the player looks at their next task or opens their blueprint menu as they view their upgrades, they freeze.


Bug: At any breakable piece workshop except the Inventor's Lab, first build a piece. Next, break the workshop down. This will cause the piece you made to be embedded inside another. Then, rebuild the workshop by replacing any piece except for the embedded one and build another piece. Fourth, break down the workshop or break down or move the piece. The former choice will result in the game crashing instantly, while the latter will result in the workshop spawning Keflings, eventually leading to the crash of the game.


Bug: On the Xbox 360 version, if you open the object selection menu and close it without getting any objects, the settings for setting up the track will be displayed despite this already being set up.


13th Dec 2022

TrackMania Turbo (2016)

Bug: In the editor for Canyon Grand Drift, if you select the tunnel obstacle piece with a drop-off, the game will ask you to select a billboard despite none being present in the piece.


Bug: London 2: Blimey!: When you reach the part with the rolling obstacles, sometimes, there is an animation error where the first one does not appear to be rolling; it slides horizontally across its path until it reaches the end of it.


Bug: It is possible to softlock yourself outside the boundaries of any map by placing a piece next to a boundary with you facing away from it and then breaking it down afterwards, along with any other pieces or buildings within reach. If playing with more than one player, all players must break down the buildings or pieces within their reach once getting outside boundaries for this to occur.


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