Factual error: None of the people the "monster" hung from the ceiling (the Sheriff, Alice, the woman in rollers reported missing earlier) suffered ANY ill-effects. The Sheriff and Alice were taken around the same time (after dark) and it was nighttime again when Joe went into the building to try to find Alice. The "monster" apparently had just placed Alice and the woman on the ground, so - assuming they were hung right after being abducted - they had been suspended inverted for at least 15 hours. [If Alice got home as late as 6:00 AM (around twilight or before sunrise) and Joe found her right after dusk (around 9:00 PM), at least 15 hours had passed. The woman was reported missing much earlier.] Death could have occurred from being suspended upside-down for that many hours. They may have survived, but there should have been some noticeable adverse effect, such as blurred vision, dizziness, or sore/weak legs. Perhaps "fight or flight" got them moving, but even then, wobbly legs would show. (01:33:58)
7th Nov 2020
Super 8 (2011)
7th Nov 2020
Super 8 (2011)
Factual error: When Joe goes to the cemetery, all the trees have fall foliage (yellow/orange/red). The movie takes place during the first week of June, when all the leaves are green. (00:53:52)
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