
Question: When Kevin was Lost In New York, why didn't he ever just talk to a police officer or go to a hospital so he could get back safe?

Answer: As he stated to himself when escaping the hotel, "I committed credit card fraud." He may have thought going to the police would result in him getting into a lot of trouble.


Answer: He told his mom he would go on his own vacation without any of them the night before they flew out, and since he had his dad's credit card, he saw this as an opportunity to have fun without any of them.


Answer: Kevin may have developed a negative impression of and attitude toward the police from his encounter with Harry the previous Christmas when he was "home alone." Harry impersonated a police office in Kevin's home town. Kevin may have questioned police trustworthiness, or lack thereof, in NYC. Besides, Kevin knew his family was still on a plane destined to France or, once they reached their destination, they were too far away (i.e, not readily available) to collect him.


Question: Why are they all so shocked that Kevin called Frank a cheapskate? He is. He also just practically admitted that he's not paying for this trip?


Answer: I think they are just more shocked with how brazen Kevin is with telling off his uncle.


Answer: Not only was it disrespectful toward his uncle, when a kid Kevin's age says something like that, it is often attributed to overhearing and repeating what adults said. The implication is that Frank would now know what his adult relatives thought of him. They are shocked partly because they are embarrassed and feel guilty.


Question: Why did the credit card come back as being stolen? The police told Peter to notify the credit card company, so they could track Kevin if he used them - they wanted Kevin to use the credit card, so why would they have put a block on it by reporting it as stolen?

Answer: The credit card company was aware that an unauthorized person was using the card, which someone in the credit card system could misinterpreted as being "stolen." The police needed that information to track when, where, and how the card was being used to locate Kevin. It was assumed that Kevin had the card, but someone else could have gotten hold of it.


Answer: They did not know where Kevin got off the airplane (or how far away he may have ended up). There were numerous flights to various cities and they initially wanted to know if Kevin used the card and, if so, what city (maybe even country!). This would give police an idea of where to start looking; it was a technique to narrow down the possibilities. If one's credit card is "missing" or in the hands of an unauthorized person (such as Kevin being in possession of the card), it should be reported as stolen (or missing) so that the credit card company is on the alert for an unauthorized user. If this missing card is presented to a merchant (or ATM for cash withdrawals), the person will be unable to use it to make any purchase or continue charging items. The credit card company will know if/when someone tries to use the card and can then notify police of the exact location; the police can investigate from that point. Reporting the card "stolen" as soon as possible (as soon as one realises it is missing) helps protect the card's owner from being held monetarily responsible for whatever unauthorized charges are made over $50; the credit card company will consider the card's owner to be limited to a maximum of $50.


Question: How does Kevin manage to keep quiet the events of the first Home Alone movie involving Harry and Marv without anyone else in the family knowing, especially the parents? I imagine that Kevin would've had to take time off from school to testify against Harry and Marv in courts. And even if the trial took place during the summer months, I would think Kevin's parents would have had to consent, or at least have knowledge, to their son testifying in court against the two burglars.


Chosen answer: Remember that Kevin didn't give his name, nor did the police ever see him. When he called, it was from a different address and he gave his name as "Murphy." There is no reason to think that Harry and Marv would tell the police about Kevin, since they would have to admit being outsmarted by a child and also admit to kidnapping, assault, battery, and a wide array of charges for what they tried to do to him. Even if he did testify, there is no reason to think his parents wouldn't know.

Greg Dwyer

And by the way Kevin knew nobody would believe him.

Not entirely correct - He rang the Police from the phone in his parents bedroom just before the spider scene.

Answer: Harry and Marv were career criminals, who expect to spend some time in jail or prison. Considering how they were caught and the police being able to link them to burglaries where the water was left running, it would be likely that they pleaded guilty (meaning there was no trial or need for anyone to testify) in exchange for a shorter sentence.


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