
21st Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: Esther holds the wad of money above her head and "deals out" the stack while spinning, sending bills flying erratically around her at different radii. After she walks away, a view of the floor shows almost all of the money has inexplicably landed overlapping into a small circular pattern without enough space for Esther to have been standing within the circular area for the money to fall like it does. When the doctor enters the room, the bills are more dispersed on the floor, as well as the bed. (00:48:38)


21st Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: At the bank, the keyboard on the counter is much closer to Ian's left arm when he reaches the counter than when he approaches it. (00:46:40)


21st Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: The SUV Ian is driving rolls over a few times and the view from the front bumper shows the SUV landing in a small clearing, but the side view shows the SUV's bumper almost against two large tree trunks that are in front of a row of trees. (00:38:53)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: The doctor has a faint mustache that is significantly darker/longer when he walks into the next hallway. (00:36:47)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: While sitting in the chair, Ian's bangs change several times, even though his hands stay in his lap. The metal head covering is removed and his bangs are separated/split near the centre of his forehead, then his bangs are about evenly distributed across his forehead with several intermittent gaps. Next, his bangs are angled to the left, fluffier, and without gaps, return to evenly spaced across his forehead, go back to fluffy and combed to the left, and similar ongoing variations. (00:21:45)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: The pan of scrambled eggs (which contains much more than can be expected for the two eggs Vicente prepares) is several inches past Ian's hands and cup, but is right behind Ian's hands when he holds the photograph. Also, Ian's tall cup is not visible behind the photo he holds, with the exception of a tiny representative piece above the woman's head in the picture. The cup is visible after Ian lowers his hands, but his hands holding the photo cannot cover up the cup. (00:09:23)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: The positions of the small glass and pan vary with angle, sometimes closer together, and the handle more perpendicular to the side of the table. (00:08:50)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: Ian creates a hailstorm, which cracks the windscreen of the pursuing police officer's cruiser, but the windscreen does not look cracked even after the cruiser rolls over a few times and lands on its roof. (00:06:05 - 00:06:42)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: Front passenger, Ian, adjusts the rearview mirror to watch the approaching police car. Almost instantly, the front view of Vicente driving shows the rearview mirror angled towards him, and Ian's hand is not near the mirror to have readjusted it that quickly. The same thing happens a second time. (00:04:10)


19th Oct 2023

Awareness (2023)

Continuity mistake: Vicente parks his truck almost to the crosswalk (which extends onto the perpendicular road) and close to the stop sign. He walks along the perpendicular road to the liquor store. Vicente is returning to his truck and turning to the right to go behind the building, but his truck and the stop sign should be several feet straight ahead. Also, the crosswalk no longer extends onto the perpendicular road. (00:00:58 - 00:02:18)


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