
26th Jul 2023

Life in a Year (2020)

Stupidity: When Daryn and his friends Sammy and Kiran want to break into the back door to gain admittance to the rap concert, there just happens to be a crowbar on the ground about two feet from the door. (00:07:15)


26th Jul 2023

Life in a Year (2020)

Continuity mistake: While Daryn is talking/rapping to Isabelle in the Creamery (ice cream shop), the distance his black earbuds dangle along the zipper in the front of his hoodie vary. At one point, only one earbud is visible. (00:15:00)


26th Jul 2023

Life in a Year (2020)

Continuity mistake: Daryn starts running/jogging in summer foliage. Autumn foliage is shown in an aerial view, then it switches back to summer and Daryn is running on the street. When Daryn says "bye" to Ms. Murdoch, there is spring foliage behind him but summer foliage behind him when the camera shifts. It is one timed-running session and he is wearing the same clothes. (00:01:30 - 00:02:28)


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