
21st Dec 2020

Unhinged (2020)

Trivia: "Aggressive driving" and "Road Rage" are not the same thing, but there is some overlap: Not all aggressive driving is road rage, but road rage is an extreme form of aggressive driving. In general, aggressive driving (such as tailgating) is classified as a traffic offense or summary offense (typically punishable by a fine but can result in suspension of driver's license and possibly include a short jail sentence) whereas road rage is classified as a criminal offense (and also falls under civil offenses or torts) because the intent is to cause harm. Road rage can take the form of an aggravated assault by vehicle (felony offense); less serious incidents are sometimes written up as "reckless driving", lowering the classification to a summary (traffic) offense. When a driver becomes angry, wants to cause harm to another person/driver, and a person is injured, the driver's behavior is deemed violent and subject to criminal prosecution as a felony offense.


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