
15th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: In total, I burned up 52,437 debt sheets. Fifty-two thousand, four hundred and thirty-seven people whose phones stopped ringing. Whose phones stopped ringing. (01:27:15)


15th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Mom: [To Peg] Do you ever listen to yourself? Honey, do you honestly think that I didn't have a dream? Dreams don't make a lot of sense when you got two kids crying 'cause they're hungry and their dad just gambled away their supper money. We almost lost the house. I will be in debt for the rest of my life. He played grab ass with my clients so much that they didn't show up for their appointments after a while. I know you think that your dad was some kind of Prince Charming, but you are old enough to know that he was an asshole. Maybe I wasn't a good mom. Maybe these cigarettes messed with your noggin, but I do know... I do know I taught you the difference between right and wrong. I know I told you the difference between good and bad. I know I told you to think of others. [Officer knocks on door and escorts mom away.] (01:15:25)


15th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: Hi. Don't worry. I got this. I got this. I'm gonna fix this. I am...
Mom: They got me running an off-the-books business in a house full of cash, okay?
Peg: I know, but I...
Mom: I am effed. And we both know it.
Peg: No, no, no, because I can afford a great lawyer.
Mom: You don't have any money. They took all your money. And even if you did, I wouldn't want that money helping me.
Peg: Fine. I messed up, but what do you want me to say? Do you want me to say I'm sorry? Do you want me to say I'm sorry? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had a dream. I'm so f-ing sorry I had a dream.


12th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: You can collect 20-year-old debt?
Josh: Debt never dies.
Peg: Debt never dies. Debt never dies.


4th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Josh Wisenewski. They call me "Wizz" 'cause I'm the smartest f-k in the business. Hey - What's the difference between a hooker and a debt collector?
Sal: I like this joke.
Josh: A hooker takes your money before she screws you.


4th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: OK, um... I'm supposed to talk about what I learned in prison. Supposed to talk about what I learned in prison. I learned, I learned, I learned, don't go, right? Just stay away. Just stay away from there. Oh, I learned... there are better ways to erase debt than torching your boyfriend's office. (01:29:16)


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: [To Mom] Haven't you ever dreamed of something more?
Grandma: I had a dream that John Travolta took off his wig and on his scalp was another John Travolta face. Double Travolta. I could never get that image out of my mind. You know what I'm saying?


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: OK, sure. I counterfeited Bills tix. But it was for a bigger cause. Higher education. Higher education is the key to financial freedom.
Cop: Ma'am... your scam is desecrating the sacred ground of our Buffalo Bills.
Peg: No, it's not.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Brother: Hey, shouldn't you put your money in the bank?
Peg: Three percent interest isn't worth 30 percent in taxes.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Young Peg: I became a student of money. While other kids begged for allowances, I studied profit margins. While other kids were scrapbooking pictures of pretty ponies, I was compiling financial advice. I was grooming myself to be the next Warren Buffet. I had a plan; go to an Ivy League school, then to Wall Street, then get so rich, some little girl was gonna say she's grooming herself to be the next me. (00:05:35)


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Young Peg: Buffalo, New York. Epicenter of the rust belt. A city whose favorite meal is discarded chicken parts. A city hopelessly dedicated to a staple of disappointment.
Mom: Hey. Don't rag on my Bills.
Young Peg: A city whose appreciation of unhealthy lifestyles ultimately led to my father's death.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Jin: You don't want to rent there. Too stink, shifty landlord.
Peg: Well, then why do you rent there?
Jin: I conned the dingus into giving me a 50-year lease. I pay shit.
Peg: You do good business?
Jin: Most of our walk-ins are Buffalonian assholes looking for a rub and tug. I did not come to the promised land to fondle soft weiners. I came to get rich.


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