
25th Jun 2014

Predator (1987)

Question: This bugged me for years, when Billy said there is something in the trees to Dutch and in the next shot it shows the trees, is the Predator there, as in visible onscreen?


Chosen answer: Yes. The predator can be seen not in the immediate shot after, but the one a few seconds later as they are seen walking away.


Before or after Ramirez gets hit in the face with the branch?

About 3 seconds before. If you look VERY closely (probably needing to pause the screen around 00:40:55 - about a minute after Billy said, "There's something in the trees"), there appears to be a transparent image of The Predator in the background above the major's (Arnold's) right shoulder. If this is meant to be The Predator, its body is curved around a tree trunk and its arms are extended toward the right of the screen (near Arnold's right ear), camouflaged as green leaves.


The Predator - in a recognizable form - really wasn't visible until another minute later @ 00:41:55 when it was on the ground approaching Hawkins and the woman.


That's a tree, not the predator. We see Billy and Dutch head on in "predator vision" as they're talking, which means the predator is directly in front and slightly above them (unknown distance). The thing you're referring to would be in the wrong position.

No, it can't. I've just been through this several times and the predator isn't shown on screen at any time during or just after after the conversation.

2nd Mar 2018

Predator (1987)

Answer: Most likely it was an act of defiance and to show that it was controlling its own death and didn't fear dying. It may also been attempting to kill Dutch in the resulting explosion.


Answer: Note that he had just learned to laugh from Billy (after hearing the silly joke of Hawkins). Maybe he misinterpreted the situation or redefined the sense of laughing for his purpose.

This is true, the Predator doesn't understand the human expression of laughter, but uses it anyway. Probably a misinterpretation by the predator.


Answer: The predator began laughing knowing that he was about to kill himself and his greatest rival.

Answer: Dutch may have won the battle, but he lost the war. Even though Dutch beat the Predator, the Predator - by blowing up both of them - was the ultimate winner. The Predator was telling Dutch, "Got ya!" - despite your strategies, persistence, and effort, they were all in vain. But the Predator wasn't around to see that Dutch was able to flee in time and save himself. (Now who is laughing?)


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