Character mistake: Queen is an attorney and should know how to conduct herself as a passenger in a car pulled over by police, yet she fails to behave in an acceptable way. Even though certain things may be permissible under certain circumstances, a lawyer should know exceptions and extenuating circumstances, but she apparently does not. She did not have the right to interfere with a police officer and "demand to know" or get out her cell phone to record if she was told to keep her hands where he could see them. (00:10:25)
26th Feb 2021
Queen & Slim (2019)
22nd Feb 2021
The Night Clerk (2020)
Character mistake: Several police officers are outside the hotel looking for evidence. Inside the room where the murder occurred, other officers/detectives are looking around. None of them are wearing gloves or shoe covers. The hotel manager is the one who found the camera card - even though Det Espada should not have allowed him in the room during the investigation and police should have found it the first day. Det Espada handles the camera card without wearing gloves. Det Espada did not secure the crime scene. (00:35:50)
22nd Feb 2021
The Night Clerk (2020)
Character mistake: Bart is sitting on a bench outside the hotel. After Detective Espada talks to the Mercer hotel manager/owner, he goes to talk to Bart. Bart has blood on both hands and lower left sleeve. Detective Espada is supposed to be investigating a fresh murder case that puts Bart at the scene, but he does not confiscate Bart's bloody clothes, conduct a gun powder test on Bart's hands to check for residue, or take him to the police station for formal questioning. Espada did not follow police protocol. (00:17:36)
19th Feb 2021
The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020)
Character mistake: John shot at the "werewolf" but wasn't successful in hitting it. Instead of pursuing the werewolf, who he supposedly was determined to catch, he let it run away. Alcoholic or not, a sheriff's deputy should have done everything possible to try to capture the creature that was terrorizing the small town. By not even attempting to follow the werewolf, John missed the one opportunity he - or anyone else - had thus far to potentially put an end to the senseless and tragic murders of young ladies. (00:55:35)
Suggested correction: Dude's daughter was attacked and bleeding from the head, of course he didn't pursue it.
Suggested correction: He didn't go after the wolf because his daughter was hurt, and his (albeit misguided) parental instincts took over. It's not at all a character mistake for him to prioritize making sure his daughter is all right over chasing a perp. Most parents would probably do the same thing.
14th Feb 2021
Boyhood (2014)
Character mistake: When asked if he had a job, Mason Sr proudly responded he just happened to have passed his second actuarial exam and that's what Mason could tell his mother. Mason Sr didn't seem to realise the first two actuarial exams are the easiest to pass, many aspiring actuaries have completed the first two exams by the time they earn Bachelor degrees, and will study for years for the remaining exams while employed full time. He wasn't anywhere near being an actuarialist and wasn't employed - yet bragged. (00:39:44)
11th Feb 2021
I See You (2019)
Character mistake: Detective Spitzer went into Harper's dark/unlit house, saw his partner Greg on the floor, and then saw Alec standing in the kitchen. Without identifying himself, telling Alec to drop his weapon (pistol pointed toward the floor), or bothering to determine what happened, Detective Spitzky shoots Alec. (01:27:08)
31st Jan 2021
The Doorman (2020)
Character mistake: NYPD officers have their guns drawn toward the elevator in the Carrington Hotel. When the door opens, Borz, wearing an unbuttoned Carrington jacket - but not the hat or white gloves that the doormen wear - is told by an officer to "hold it" and states that he's "just a doorman." The officer backs up and allows Borz to leave. A police officer would not simply accept the word of anyone in this situation. The person would be handcuffed and detained until the situation is under control and the police determine he was not (or was) involved. (01:24:41 - 01:35:02)
29th Jan 2021
I See You (2019)
Character mistake: Two EMTs took Alec in a stretcher to the ambulance, apparently without first attending to his gunshot wound, inserting an IV, giving him oxygen, or doing anything else that a first responder would do for an injured person. (01:27:48 - 01:30:18)
8th Jan 2021
Dismissed (2017)
Character mistake: It is highly unlikely that the recipient of Mr. Butler's application for the professorship position would not only call him so soon, but ask him to come to her office right away (where she would humiliate him for the things he wrote in his essay on "qualities that make me a good teacher"). Moreover, her failure to listen to Mr. Butler and give due consideration to his assertion that someone else actually wrote those offensive things showed poor judgment, especially since she knew the person who referred Mr. Butler and spoke highly of him. Someone tampering with his application would make more sense than believing that Mr. Butler actually wrote those things that criticized the very college he was applying to and boasted so much about himself. That Mr. Butler was not able to say more to make his point believable is also problematic. He is an English teacher, so should have the vocabulary and mastering of techniques to make a convincing argument, but he failed to defend himself.
8th Jan 2021
Dismissed (2017)
Character mistake: Mr. Butler leaves his briefcase (containing his laptop) in his unlocked classroom during lunchtime. There's no rational reason to not take his briefcase with him to the teacher's lounge beyond furthering the plot.
5th Jan 2021
Dismissed (2017)
Character mistake: In Principal Fremont's office, Lucas was asked why Mr. Butler thought that he "had it out for him in some way." Lucas responded that he was trying to figure that out himself and added Mr. Butler gave him an "F" even though all of his assignments were "A's." Principal Fremont replied, "Lucas, I don't want you to worry about your grade, okay? I will personally see to it that you get the "A" you deserve." This is not something a principal would say to a student, or say without first checking with his teacher to verify his grades and ascertain if there was a legitimate reason for issuing the "F." (01:03:50)
6th Dec 2020
Countdown (2019)
Character mistake: Quinn told Dr. Sullivan there was "enough [morphine in the syringe] to kill you three times." If this was true (as opposed to Quinn just saying that as a scare tactic), her failure to take three vials of the antidote Narcan was a fatal error - and she only took one dose. Moreover, even if one dose was enough to counteract the morphine and get her to breathe normally, there was always a possibility that another dose or so can be needed. It is worth mentioning that it is quite a handy "coincidence" that vials of Narcan were readily available in the closed wing of the hospital. (01:12:28)
4th Dec 2020
The Silencing (2020)
Character mistake: The new sheriff ("Alice") told Rayburn that she has only been sheriff for a couple months and was still catching up on active cases. Rayburn replied, "Yeah, my daughter's case is far from active." The sheriff then told Rayburn, "My training is very different from the officers around here" - meaning college-educated (Ivy League?), more professional, more effective, and modern. Despite this, some of the sheriff's actions (e.g, walking unannounced into suspects' houses and/or without a proper warrant; questionable "probable cause"; shooting Rayburn to protect her brother) fell far short of the ideal. Perhaps most significantly, the sheriff gave Rayburn a warning shot and told him not to kill Dr. Boone... then she stood back and merely watched Rayburn push Dr. Boone into the pitfall and close the doors while knowing the doctor was severely injured and dying. These things do not show her purported superior training. (00:21:43 - 01:25:34)
1st Dec 2020
Good Boys (2019)
Character mistake: At the skate park, Thor said he wasn't into girls because "girls are a distraction." Thor was interested in going to Soren's party because a lot of the popular boys were going to be there. When the "spin the bottle" landed on Thor, he said he couldn't kiss Brixlee and went upstairs. Hannah and Lily came home and told Thor it was OK that he wasn't ready for a kissing party and still had a lot of time before becoming interested in girls. Max previously told Thor that he wasn't as mature (sexually developed or undergoing puberty). Therefore, Thor's statement in the cafeteria about his new earring - that he "wasn't going for cute", he was going for "sexy and hot" - was incongruent and incompatible with his character.
18th Nov 2020
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Character mistake: Clarice was given clear, explicit instructions by Crawford before going to the asylum to see Lecter, including: do not touch the glass; do not approach the glass; tell him nothing personal; do not accept anything from him. Barney also gave the specific rules to Clarice when she got there (e.g, "you don't get near the glass"; use the food tray carrier to give him papers), and informed her he would be watching her on video. An FBI Agent TRAINEE is under close scrutiny and failure to meet the high standards and/or rigorous training can/will result in dismissal from the academy; a student must follow the rules and demonstrate she has what it takes to graduate and is suitable to become a member of the FBI. Given the high standards and relative difficulty in securing a position with the FBI, a trainee would not blatantly break the rules or virtually disregard the direct orders of a supervisor like Clarice did - especially during the very first assignment. The end does not justify the means.
13th Oct 2020
Good Boys (2019)
Character mistake: Lucas says he loves "Ascension, rules, and anti-drug campaigns", so would not be likely to encourage Max to go to Soren's party after his father grounded him... or ask what his father would do about it (double-ground him?). Even though Lucas tells Max that he has "grown a lot" in the two hours after getting home and talking to his parents about all that happened that day (which they didn't believe), we aren't told in what way(s) he has grown - but it would not be favoring violation of rules. Also, Lucas later tells Hannah and Lily at Soren's house that he loves "Ascension, rules, anti-drug campaigns, and grilled cheese." This indicates that his view on rules has not changed, reinforcing the assertion that it was out of character for Lucas to encourage Max to go Soren's party while grounded.
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