
Nothing to Fear - S1-E10

Other mistake: At the beginning of the fundraiser for the university, people drop in a basket cash and cheques. All the bank cheques though have the sum written in the wrong format; for instance "five thousand dollars" is written "5.000.000." (00:12:30)


On Leather Wings - S1-E2

Other mistake: When Batman listens to the tape left behind by the security guard (and the police's incredibly sloppy investigation) he presses play and not only the tape is at the right point without him having to rewind, but the recording is much different from the actual events and gives him a convenient abridged version. (00:08:00)


On Leather Wings - S1-E2

Other mistake: On the police blimp, the scanner/radar screen in close-up has a single white circle, but in the wider angle it's two black circles, which are even hand-drawn and thus not perfect circles. (00:01:30)


Pretty Poison - S1-E9

Other mistake: Melissa Manchester and Neil Ross voice minor characters in this episode. The end credits list them like this though; "Additional Voices - Melissa Manchester as Neil Ross." It should have been "And", of course. (00:21:55)


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